Friday, May 14, 2010

How to Ease a Panic Attack In Mere Seconds? It's Easy!

Let's face it: Panic attacks are frightening for sufferers, to the point where they wreak havoc on their personal and professional lives. But many choose not to seek treatment, or have quit trying to find a remedy because the "traditional" methods from doctors involve expensive therapy or mind-numbing drugs. Yet, I've found a way that's extremely easy to use and highly effective. Plus, it only takes a few seconds to implement when you're having a panic attack.

First, we need to dissect what a panic attack is and how it controls you. Even though those of us afflicted might have a racing pulse, uncontrolled sweating, nausea and a throbbing head when going through an attack, these physical manifestations are "just" reactions to our thoughts. You see, our brain creates overwhelming feelings of fear and anxiety and our bodies take over with the classic "fight or flight" response, pumping gobs of adrenalin into our system - literally forcing us to react.

The key to dealing with this situation is to exert control over our mind and thoughts. We do this by telling ourselves that we will let the attack do it's best to bring us down for 20 seconds. You see, since a panic attack feels so completely real (as a matter of fact, many people have such a strong physical reaction, they actually think they're having heart attacks!), some people think real and permanent damage will result. So, if you tell your brain that after 20 seconds, if you haven't had a heart attack, haven't had a stroke, haven't passed out, haven't DIED, you are taking control.

Do this: The next time you are having an attack, start counting down from twenty, breathing deeply, evenly and slowly, trying to take a breath in with every two seconds and out with every two seconds. Counting and breathing, let the panic attack run its course for that twenty second period. By the time you reach zero, you should have substantially brought a significant amount of stress down. Make sure you don't rush. It may not be exactly twenty seconds, just so long as you are counting, breathing and concentrating on those two tasks.

Why does this work? Mostly because you are creating a moment of distraction for yourself. Just as your body is reacting to your brain, you disrupt that mind-body connection by focusing on something other than your thoughts that have run amok or worse, your rising anxiety on how you are reacting. As you are counting and breathing deeply, you are momentarily focusing on something else and, in turn, regaining control over the process.

While this is an important technique for coping with panic attacks as they are happening, they are an invaluable tool in your arsenal for conditioning yourself in panic-inducing situations. For example, let's say you have agoraphobia (the fear of public places or situations), and by going out in public creates anxiety for you. Now, you can start on a program of desensitizing your response by gradually introducing these situations and using this technique to control your physical response to the situation.

Want to learn how to ease a panic attacks? I have a guide at my website, that will show, step by step, how to easily and effectively rid yourself of panic and anxiety.

Lance Henry - EzineArticles Expert Author

Non-Medicinal Anxiety Treatments to Try Today

Anxiety treatments can vary greatly. They can range from the totally holistic approach, to the more traditional pharmaceutical approach. Because of the increase in the number of alternatives for anxiety treatments, medications don't have to be your first option. At this stage you should try as many different alternatives as possible until you find one that works for you.

1. Cognitive therapy
Although some people might go and see a psychologist, often times just taking the time and writing out what you are thinking can also be of tremendous help in reducing your anxiety.

2. Physical fitness
Exercise can be a powerful way to reduce how much anxiety you're feeling. Not only will it reduce the amount of stress in your life but it will release positive endorphins that will help improve your mood.

3. Progressive relaxation
Relaxation techniques can be a powerful way to cure anxiety. Just by learning a few of these techniques many people have been able to dramatically reduce their anxiety levels.

4. Self hypnosis
Just like with relaxation techniques, there are dozens of books on this subject. While some people are more were susceptible to hypnosis then others, it is worth exploring.

5. Controlled breathing exercises
By focusing your nervous energy on controlling your breath, it can be take away energy from your anxiety or panic attacks, and therefore shortening up their duration.

6. Changes in diet
By cutting out excess sugar and fat, and increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables that you eat, it can have a positive impact on your mental outlook.

7. Changing situations
If you know that certain situations are repeatedly causing you stress and anxiety it is best to try and change them. Don't be afraid to eliminate people from your life that are causing you the greatest harm.

Natural anxiety treatments have worked for many people, and they can work for you. It's important to experiment and to try and find the ones that work best for you.

If you want to learn more about anxiety treatments and how to overcome panic attacks, then visit my website.

Students Stress and Anxiety!

High school and college students suffer from and are faced with significant amounts of stress and anxiety that can result in both physical and emotional health issues.

A recent study shows that five times as many high school and college students suffer and are dealing with stress, anxiety and other mental health issues as their counterparts that were studied during the Great Depression. This research study is based on the responses of 77,576 high school and college students who from 1938 through 2007, took the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).

* Students themselves point to everything from pressure to succeed - self-imposed and otherwise - to a fast-paced world that's only sped up by the technology they love so much.

* Another major contributor appears to be the unrealistic feelings ingrained in young people, that they need to have huge amounts of money to be considered a success. This leads to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety and depression.

* In addition, today's youth is brought up in a "you can do anything" environment. This leads to false expectations which when not met results in anxiety and depression.

Are you a student or parent of a student that suffers with stress and anxiety? Here are some ways for students to maintain good health and keep their sanity.

* Establish a quiet space to study. This is a place were you can focus and concentrate away from distractions. If you live with a noisy roommate, find a quiet spot in the library or your favorite coffee shop.

* Create a schedule. Leave yourself plenty of time to study for exams and get work done.

* Don't pull "All Nighters". Make sure to leave yourself enough study time.

* Stay away from caffeine, alcohol and drugs. Caffeine only provides a temporary jolt. You will eventually crash from excessive use. Need I say anything about excessive alcohol use other than moderation my young friends, moderation. And please just forget about drugs altogether.

* Get on a healthy diet.

* Get plenty of sleep.

* Don't obsess on results. Test scores are important but you need to keep things in perspective. Otherwise you will become overly anxious about a test's outcome which can actually cause you to do poorly. You need to shift your focus and stay present minded. Try some positive affirmations and visualization techniques to change your perspective, and remember that Yoga and Meditation techniques are time tested and proven stress relievers.

* Know your learning style. Not everyone learns in the same way. It's important to know if you're a visual, auditory or kinesthetic type learner.

* Practice visualization techniques. Imagine yourself having already achieved your desired results.

* Develop optimism. People that are optimistic are healthier, less stressed, and more successful.

* Use stress management techniques. The Yoga Awakening Meditation Collection is comprised of over 24 stress reduction techniques and exercises that will help. This meditation collection is complete and comprehensive, and includes everything you need to control and manage stress and anxiety.

There are so many secrets that Yoga and Meditation will reveal to you. There are so many ways that Yoga and Meditation can make your life easier and more fulfilling. Come and explore these secrets with me now by going to:

For over 35 years I have researched and practiced both the physical and mental aspects of Yoga and Meditation. I am committed to helping people find relief from common psychological disorders like fear, stress and anxiety through the use of Yoga and Meditation. Enjoy a FREE Gift: a guided meditation tour down the "Lazy River" the mystical land of deep relaxation and tranquility. Simply click here now:

Anthony D'Agostino - EzineArticles Expert Author

Anxiety While Driving - How to Handle Anxiety While Driving

Many people suffer from temporary anxiety, and in a lot of cases temporary anxiety can be relatively harmless. You can have a certain event occur once in your life, such as a death in the family or a major decision made in the workplace, you experience brief anxiety, and it is over with.

Other people suffer from recurring anxiety, and most times this anxiety stems from certain events that regularly take place in their lives. In this writer's opinion, the most dangerous type of anxiety is anxiety while driving.

Sadly, anxiety while driving is one of the most common types of panic and anxiety associated with specialized anxiety disorder. Now, in most cases someone will not experience anxiety while driving right when they step into their car or even think about driving their car. People will typically experience an anxiety attack at a certain point when they are driving, such as on a crowded highway or in a certain part of town. Anxiety while driving is best explained in an example.

Let's say you often have an anxiety attack whenever you drive on the highway. Upon entering the highway from the ramp, you begin to notice the high rate of speed everyone is driving. People are swerving everywhere, cutting each other off, and going way past the speed limit. It doesn't seem like anyone has any kind of regard for each other on the highway.

You begin to panic. What if I get into an accident at this rate of speed? Why did that person just cut me off? Why is this person following so closely?

Once you have realized you are experiencing anxiety while driving, you begin to panic even more. You are sweating profusely, your heart is racing, and you start to feel dizzy. You think it is possible you could even pass out. What are you going to do to get out of this situation?

Simply put, the best way to react in this situation of anxiety while driving is to turn on your signal, pull to the side of the road, and stop. Concentrate on taking big, deep breaths. Do not think of how hectic traffic is today. Do not think about the attack you just had. Focus on the positive things in your life that make you happy. Think about your children, sibling, or significant other. Do not begin driving until you are completely calm and relaxed.

As previously outlined, you can see why anxiety while driving can be extremely dangerous. While in an automobile, what if you were to pass out from a panic attack and lose control of your vehicle?

If you experience regular anxiety while driving, or any type of anxiety for that matter, it is important to do your research in order to treat yourself. It is best to treat your anxiety as early as possible in order to prevent future occurrences that could put your life in danger.

Attention All Panic Attack Sufferers: Instead of taking medication there is now a natural, cost-effective solution to stop your panic attacks once and for all. Vist my Panic Away Review site to discover a new, innovative, and revolutionary system to fighting and preventing panic or anxiety attacks.

Hurry, and visit to learn the simple, effective techniques to treat your panic and anxiety.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tips on How to Stop an Anxiety Attack Dead in Its Tracks

There are many people who have experienced anxiety attacks and they have become a daily part of their lives. Keep in mind that although this condition has a great impact on your life, with a little time and patience, it is possible to learn how to control, prevent, and stop an anxiety attack dead in its tracks.

In order to learn how to stop an anxiety attack, it would b helpful to understand the symptoms and causes them.

Many sufferers only experience an attack when a specific event or situation happens. If you go back in time and try to remember the first instances that made you feel this way, you can sometimes pin-point what initially happened to you that now triggers these episodes.

This is not always easy to do, especially if have been having this problem for some time. If this is the case, you are experiencing generalized anxiety.

When you do find yourself in the middle of an anxiety attack, you will definitely wish that you had a magic bullet to stop an anxiety attack.

Here are several things that you can do to stop this before it escalates into something bigger.

You can stop an anxiety attack by calming yourself down and concentrating on your your breathing. This will help to bring your heart rate back down to normal, as well as, the rate of your breathing.

On top of everything else you're feeling, during an attack, you don't want to hyperventilate, which will further disturb the chemical balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in you body.

You can avoid this by telling yourself that all you are experiencing is an attack, and nothing more serious is going on with you. You must keep in mind that this is nothing more than anxiety, and you can control it.

You must tell yourself that it is the anxiety which is causing you to think and respond as if there is more going on with you than there really is.

Once you know that you are only having an anxiety attack and that everything is going to be alright with you, then you are ready for the next step.

Concentrating and focusing on your own breathing can be helpful as well. Taking a few deep breathes in and out slowly, will help you heart rate go down and will make you feel calmer.

It's important to practice the concept of "going with the flow" of an anxiety attack. The more you fight a panic episode, the worse and longer lasting it will be. Let it run its course, which will last for 10-20 minutes.

Although this seems like a lifetime, this is a wiser way of dealing with this problem. The more you practice this type of reaction to your episodes, the easier and more effective this will become.

To stop these episodes, you must let go of the habitual reaction to it, by remembering you are not in an actual battle. As the name implies, there is not an actual physical attack coming at you. So attempting to control it, puts you in a defense mode that isn't necessary.

This is what causes the "fight flight" response that I'm sure you have heard of. It is because of this that you essentially experience the physical symptoms of this disorder. The constant fear of having another attack, is what feeds this condition on a mental level.

If nothing seems to be working for you, there is a simple strategy that other people are using to stomp their attacks in their tracks. It was designed by a former sufferer, and you may find it will bring you relief also. Whatever you do, don't ever accept your panic attacks as something that you're just going to have to learn to live with. There is hope, as long as you remain open to your options. Click HERE for FREE Information on how to stop an anxiety attack.

Louise Alexander - EzineArticles Expert Author

Anxiety Attacks - Why Am I Frightened For No Reason?

Before I go any further, I must apologize if I sometimes seem a bit 'flip' in the way I write about Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Equally, I'm not one of these writers who knows nothing about the subject, but thinks it might be rather fun to write about. Please believe me when I say that I've experienced every symptom and condition about which I write. It's just that hopefully a little bit of humour here and there may just lighten the burden a little beneath which so many of you are struggling.

Further Causes of Anxiety Attacks.

Why am I frightened for no reason? Probably the commonest and most reasonable question of all. For a person who's just experienced their first attack, the answers to this question are myriad. The two most prevalent would be that you're in a continual state of stress which culminates in an Anxiety Attack. The stress has to burst out somewhere at some time, hence you suffer an attack. Or, it may be the result of a festering mental wound. A high injustice done to you years before, perhaps. Maybe a terrible secret that you've held close to you for a long time. Something along those lines that's simmered away in your mind, never quite going away, always with you when you awake until you finally fall asleep. There are many other reasons, but those are two that could cause your current distress.

However, if you've already experienced an Anxiety Attack, today's thinking posits that we're terrified of having another attack. Unless there is indeed something lurking at the back of our minds as already described. But let's suppose there is no outside danger of any sort that frightens us. Therefore, it comes from within, and it makes sense that it isn't just the attack that frightens us. It's the losing control. Quite probably, if you were to ask a number of people to name their greatest fear and gave them sufficient time to think about it, quite a number would reply that losing control of any situation in which they find themselves is their worst fear.

After all, if you felt an attack coming on while you were standing in line at the grocery store, you'd almost certainly leave the premises immediately. The real reason? Because if you didn't, you'd probably stand in the middle of the store and scream, thereby losing control. People would rush to you to assist you and attention is the last thing you seek. They'd help you. You don't need help. If they help you, it means you can't help yourself, therefore you've lost control. There again, there are other reasons, but the researchers and scientists say that fear of losing control is the main one

Mike Bond with further reasons for Anxiety Attacks, this time more mental than physical. Make sure you fly on fingers of light to Mike's Website, Panattack, making absolutely certain you collect your copy of the Free Mini Course which has helped so many people.

Mike Bond - EzineArticles Expert Author

Anxiety Attacks - Why Am I Frightened For No Reason?

Before I go any further, I must apologize if I sometimes seem a bit 'flip' in the way I write about Anxiety and Panic Attacks. Equally, I'm not one of these writers who knows nothing about the subject, but thinks it might be rather fun to write about. Please believe me when I say that I've experienced every symptom and condition about which I write. It's just that hopefully a little bit of humour here and there may just lighten the burden a little beneath which so many of you are struggling.

Further Causes of Anxiety Attacks.

Why am I frightened for no reason? Probably the commonest and most reasonable question of all. For a person who's just experienced their first attack, the answers to this question are myriad. The two most prevalent would be that you're in a continual state of stress which culminates in an Anxiety Attack. The stress has to burst out somewhere at some time, hence you suffer an attack. Or, it may be the result of a festering mental wound. A high injustice done to you years before, perhaps. Maybe a terrible secret that you've held close to you for a long time. Something along those lines that's simmered away in your mind, never quite going away, always with you when you awake until you finally fall asleep. There are many other reasons, but those are two that could cause your current distress.

However, if you've already experienced an Anxiety Attack, today's thinking posits that we're terrified of having another attack. Unless there is indeed something lurking at the back of our minds as already described. But let's suppose there is no outside danger of any sort that frightens us. Therefore, it comes from within, and it makes sense that it isn't just the attack that frightens us. It's the losing control. Quite probably, if you were to ask a number of people to name their greatest fear and gave them sufficient time to think about it, quite a number would reply that losing control of any situation in which they find themselves is their worst fear.

After all, if you felt an attack coming on while you were standing in line at the grocery store, you'd almost certainly leave the premises immediately. The real reason? Because if you didn't, you'd probably stand in the middle of the store and scream, thereby losing control. People would rush to you to assist you and attention is the last thing you seek. They'd help you. You don't need help. If they help you, it means you can't help yourself, therefore you've lost control. There again, there are other reasons, but the researchers and scientists say that fear of losing control is the main one

Mike Bond with further reasons for Anxiety Attacks, this time more mental than physical. Make sure you fly on fingers of light to Mike's Website, Panattack, making absolutely certain you collect your copy of the Free Mini Course which has helped so many people.

Mike Bond - EzineArticles Expert Author

Anxiety Children - Go Easy on Your Kid

Child stress increases due to overwhelming effect of schools and faulty parenting. Faulty parenting is the root cause of all such anxiety related problems in children and also their parents. The child is often subjected to a lot of pressure from school tasks to other co curricular activities. Parents must understand what he or she enjoys most and should let their child do the activity he or she chooses to do. Enough options should be made available and parents should take personal care while their children choose their perfect and their most favorite engagement.

The prime reason for which parental pressure increases is that because parents do not allow their kids to choose rather they are only introduced to a certain engagement because of shortage of time on their part and also because they think that such stuff is not really important. But such engagement will only keep their child happy which is of prime importance and that in turn will reduce their parenting pressure as a happy child is not at all problematic.

On the other hand a troublesome child is not happy and that is one reason that the child is troublesome.

To address some other issues like an under-performing child at a primary school might have some complication which could be both psychological and also physiological. Some children have a basic problem of identifying objects and perceiving objects easily. Such children need some special attention and care which the parents should give.

Like a child with dyslexia will have problems identifying letters and would therefore under perform. Disciplining a child harshly will not solve such problems harshness can only add to stress on both the child and also on the parents and as a reaction the child might just get even worse he might jut get very moody and rebellious. So child anxiety and stress should be dealt with a lot of care and affection instead of disciplining.

When we are talking about kids we should also talk about adolescent kids and their problems. The problem with adolescent kids is that they are somewhere neither fully grown and nor are they kids. They have various insecurities and out of such insecurities and curiosities they end up doing things which are quite offensive or problematic to tackle for the parents.

If they are again disciplined then again they will be grow arrogant and will add to the stress of the parents and anxiety will take heavy toll on both sides.

Cassaundra is using Panic Away to eliminate her panic attacks and anxiety, and you can too. Click Here to learn more about the most powerful technique for stopping anxiety and panic attacks without the use of medication.

Article Source:

Cassaundra Flores - EzineArticles Expert Author

Anxiety Attacks - The New Age Menace

People nowadays get stressed by work, home, or maybe even when they are with your friends and this stress is the root cause of anxiety attacks. Now what are anxiety attacks? It is a period in which the body becomes numb with intense fear and may range from a period of a few seconds to as long as half an hour.

Everybody gets upset when people around them are not behaving the way they would want them to and keep getting worried about it. This kind of stress increased your blood pressure and can even give you headaches and these headaches on the other hand make you even more worried about your health and contributes that increases your stress levels.

Such anxiety attacks are more common in people who live under a lot of stress and hence it is advisable for the person to create for himself or herself an environment free from anxiety so that they do not have to face such anxiety attacks in life. To be able to get rid of the anxiety the following may prove to be useful.

  • Live in day tight compartments. It means that you should live in the present moment. Suppose I tell you that you have to go through this article hundred times before you can close it, you will immediately get angered by this and experience mental stress. Just observe your mind, it goes into the future and watches you read the article hundred times and feels how hectic it will be for you and immediately makes you angry, so do not let your mind travel to the future, may be if you do read this article hundred times you will be able to handle your life better so just stay in the present moment and savor it.
  • We all want the people around us to change but don't you think it would be much better if you can accept them as they are? Would it not solve a whole lot of problems. So accept people and situations as they are and don't be under denial or under any false hopes
  • Do not seek mal intentions in the actions of the people around you, it just may so happen that because of some circumstances they have been behaving in a particular manner, so do not get worried if the people around you behave in a different way, just forgive them like you would forgive yourself if you make a mistake
  • Talking to somebody who can understand you be it some friend or some family member is very important if you want to stay happy and calm, talking to people makes you feel lighter so choose a set of friends carefully, people who are considerate and care about you and then pour out your hearts to them, once the stress is out you will immediately fell happier!

So there is urgent need for you to make matters into your own hands and curb the menace of anxiety attacks right out of your life.

Cassaundra is using Panic Away to eliminate her panic attacks and anxiety, and you can too. Click Here to learn more about the most powerful technique for stopping anxiety and panic attacks without the use of medication.

Cassaundra Flores - EzineArticles Expert Author

Anxiety - Healthy Or a Health Risk?

Anxiety is a normal reaction to the events of everyday life. It makes you work faster to get things done and makes your mind clear and alert. It causes you to strive to succeed. But on the other hand too much anxiety can disturb your sleep and drown you in worry and fear.

When you get older these things can cause you problems. Some of the things that can cause anxiety are, Health issues, losing a job, losing your mate, a death, sex drive problems, being lonely and many other things. Anxiety out of control can cause you to have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

It can make you dwell on problems instead of solutions.It also brings you the feelings of stress, being tense, and in a daze. Anxiety can cause you over eat or lose your appetite. It can give a feeling of despair. Anxiety could possible play a part in headaches, heart conditions, speech problems, irritable bowls and more.

Take up a hobby or do things that you like to do. Do something's you haven't done in years this can help you to relax and put your mind at ease. Ride a bike, go fishing, go to the mountains, go swimming, go to the beach or what ever it is that you like to do.

Get plenty of rest, so go to bed early. If you have trouble sleeping get a bottle of melatonin. This will help you drift off to sleep naturally without leaving you groggy the next day. Melatonin is a natural substance your body produces and when you are low on it its hard to sleep.

Exercise regularly because this will build strength and cause you to be able to sleep better. Just doesn't exercise too close to bed time because this will keep you awake and don't have caffeine in the after noon this too will keep you up all night too..

Watch out for the chocolate pitfall also, chocolate has caffeine in it and it can keep you awake. It definitely keeps me awake. Remember to eat a good diet; nutrition plays an important role in good sleep.

Try to keep your mind off of your problems by helping other people with their problems. Remember that most of the worries that your mind conjures up never happen. So move forward in life with the confidence to succeed.,
4-26-2010 Monday 4:45 pm Timothy Edward Wilhelm
Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice. It's based on my own experience. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.
Copyright 2010 All Rights Reserved

I write things that I hope will help other people to have happiness in their life. I write things that I hope will help other people to have happiness in their life.I write information products that are intended to help the men of the world with their health problems. Much of what I write I've learned from personal experience. I also write a series of inspirational poetry designed to encourage people in their everyday life and give them hope to realize their dreams.

Tim Wilhelm - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Human Brain: How Brain Cells Communicate With Each Other

Weighing in at only about three pounds, the brain is the most complicated part of the human body. As the organ responsible for intelligence, thoughts, sensations, memories, body movement, feelings and behavior, it has been studied and hypothesized for centuries. But, it is the last decade of research that has provided the most significant contributions to our understanding of how the brain functions. Even with these advancements, what we know so far is probably only a fraction of what we will, undoubtedly, discover in the future.

The human brain is believed to function in a complex chemical environment through various types of neurons and neurotransmitters. Neurons are brain cells, numbering in the billions, which are capable of instant communication with each other through chemical messengers called neurotransmitters. As we live our lives, brain cells are constantly receiving information about our environment. The brain then attempts to make an internal representation of our external world through complex chemical changes.

Neurons (Brain Cells)

To get a better idea of how the brain functions through chemical communication, let’s start by looking at figure 1.1, which shows a basic schematic of a single neuron.

The center of the neuron is called the cell body or soma. It contains the nucleus, which houses the cell’s deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or genetic material. The cell’s DNA defines what type of cell it is and how it will function.

At one end of the cell body are the dendrites, which are receivers of information sent by other brain cells (neurons). The term dendrite, which comes from a Latin term for tree, is used because the dendrites of a neuron resemble tree branches.

At the other end of the cell body is the axon. The axon is a long tubular fiber that extends away from the cell body. The axon acts as a conductor of electrical signals.

At the base of the axon are the axon terminals. These terminals contain vesicles where chemical messengers, also known as neurotransmitters, are stored.

Neurotransmitters (Chemical Messengers)

It is believed that the brain contains several hundred different types of chemical messengers (neurotransmitters). Generally, these messengers are categorized as either excitatory or inhibitory. An excitatory messenger stimulates the electrical activity of the brain cell, whereas an inhibitory messenger calms this activity. The activity of a neuron (brain cell) -- or whether or not it continues to release, or pass on, chemical messages -- is largely determined by the balance of these excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms.

Scientists have identified specific neurotransmitters that are believed to be related to anxiety disorders. The chemical messengers that are typically targeted with medications commonly used to treat panic disorder include:

Serotonin. This neurotransmitter plays a role in modulating a variety of body functions and feelings, including our mood. Low serotonin levels have been linked to depression and anxiety. The antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are considered to be the first-line agents in the treatment of panic disorder. SSRIs increase the level of serotonin in the brain, resulting in decreased anxiety and inhibition of panic attacks.

Norepinephrine is a neurotransmitter that is believed to be associated with the fight or flight stress response. It contributes to feelings of alertness, fear, anxiety and panic. Selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) and tricyclic antidepressants affect the serotonin and norepinephrine levels of the brain, resulting in an anti-panic effect.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that acts through a negative feedback system to block the transmission of a signal from one cell to another. It is important for balancing the excitation in the brain. Benzodiazepines (anti-anxiety drugs) work on the GABA receptors of the brain inducing a state of relaxation.

Neurons and Neurotransmitters Working Together

When a brain cell receives sensory information, it fires an electrical impulse that travels down the axon to the axon terminal where chemical messengers (neurotransmitters) are stored. This triggers the release of these chemical messengers into the synaptic cleft, which is a small space between the sending neuron and the receiving neuron.

As the messenger makes its journey across the synaptic cleft, several things may happen:

1. The messenger may be degraded and knocked out of the picture by an enzyme before it reaches its target receptor.
2. The messenger may be transported back into the axon terminal through a reuptake mechanism and be deactivated or recycled for future use.
3. The messenger may bind to a receptor (dendrite) on a neighboring cell and complete the delivery of its message. The message may then be forwarded to the dendrites of other neighboring cells. But, if the receiving cell determines that no more of the neurotransmitters are needed, it will not forward the message. The messenger will then continue to try to find another receiver of its message until it is deactivated or returned to the axon terminal by the reuptake mechanism.

For optimal brain function, neurotransmitters must be carefully balanced and orchestrated. They are often interconnected and rely on each other for proper function. For example, the neurotransmitter GABA, which induces relaxation, can only function properly with adequate amounts of serotonin. Many psychological disturbances, including panic disorder, may be the result of poor quality or low quantities of certain neurotransmitters or neuron receptor sites, the release of too much of a neurotransmitter or the malfunctioning of the reuptake mechanisms of the neuron.


Antidepressant Use in Children, Adolescents, and Adults. Revisions to Product Labeling. 02 May 2007 U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Kaplan MD, Harold I. and Sadock MD, Benjamin J. Synopsis of Psychiatry, Eighth Edition 1998 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.

Anticipatory Anxiety and Panic Disorder

According to Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary, anticipation is a “visualization of a future event or state.” If you have panic disorder (PD), you may find yourself anticipating many life events. Driving to work, going into a store, attending a social gathering and many other activities may be a daily focus of your anticipation. Before panic, you probably didn’t give much thought to any of these common events. But now, anticipation may cause you to feel anxious and interfere with your ability to fully function in your everyday life. This is often called “anticipatory anxiety.”

Normal vs. Problem Anticipatory Anxiety

An infinite number of human experiences cause normal anticipatory anxiety. Many times we experience anxiety in anticipation of doing something new or before completion of a major task or life event. Life offers us the experience of many anxiety-provoking “firsts” -- a first date, the first day of school or the first time away from home. All of these events may produce a certain amount of anticipatory anxiety. If you’re about to take a major exam, you may feel a sense of anxiety. Hopefully, this type of anticipatory anxiety will motivate you to study harder in preparing for the exam.

If you have panic disorder, anticipatory anxiety may go beyond the limits of new or major life events. This is because the anticipation, or visualization of a future event, is focused on having a panic attack in certain situations. The fear of having a panic attack can be associated with any life situation or event, big or small. In some cases, anticipatory anxiety surrounds any activity that involves leaving the safety of one’s own home.

How Our Thoughts Contribute to Anticipatory Anxiety

Anticipatory anxiety is closely associated with the way we are thinking. With panic disorder, thoughts are generally focused on worrying about having a panic attack in a situation that will result in embarrassment, extreme discomfort, a heart attack or even worse. If you have PD, you are probably very familiar with “what if” worries. Perhaps yours are similar to these:

1. What if I have a panic attack and drive my car into a ditch?
2. What if I start to panic in the store and embarrass myself with some bizarre behavior?
3. What if, while eating at a restaurant, I can’t swallow and start choking on my food?
4. What if I take a walk around the block and start to panic and can’t get back home?

This kind of thinking causes a lot of anticipatory anxiety that can lead to avoiding certain activities. The anxiety may be so intense that it causes a condition called agoraphobia.

Tips to Cope With Anticipatory Anxiety

1. Learn and practice relaxation techniques.

By leaning and practicing relaxation techniques, you will be able to reduce your level of anticipatory anxiety. You may even be able to defuse a panic attack in the making. Some techniques that may be helpful include:

Deep Breathing
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Guided Imagery

2. Get professional help if you can’t get your anxiety under control.

A variety of professionals are able to help you with problem anticipatory anxiety. Some of the treatments they may be able to provide include:

* Cognitive-behavioral therapy to help you identify and change damaging behaviors and thought processes that are contributing to your anxiety.

* Panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy to help you become aware of unconscious conflicts and defense mechanisms that reinforce your anxiety.

* Medications, such as the class of antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs and anti-anxiety drugs known as Benzodiazepines, to relieve some of your anxiety and panic symptoms.


Anticipation. ”Merriam-Webster Online” 2005 Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. 25 Aug. 2008.

Carbonell, D. "Panic Attacks Workbook" 2004 Berkley, CA: Ulysses Press.

Kaplan MD, Harold I. and Sadock MD, Benjamin J. Synopsis of Psychiatry, Eighth Edition 1998 Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What is Alcohol Anxiety?

More often than not, one of the reasons why people drink alcohol is to forget their problems even for a little while. But what they do not know is that alcohol affects the brain chemicals in the brain that causes people to behave differently. Furthermore, people who drink alcohol to forget problems often develop dependence on this particular substance because by drinking, they feel that all their problems go away that they begin to feel better about themselves.

What they do not know is that once they wake up in the morning, which is called the morning after, all they feel is a bad hangover and then, they would just remember the problems that they wanted to forget in the first place. But when they try to stop the habit, they experience all sorts of withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, agitation, confusion and hallucination. In fact, you can even develop alcohol anxiety when you abruptly stop from drinking alcohol. And when you cannot take these symptoms anymore, you just go back to being an alcoholic again.

People who resort to alcohol as a way out can experience sleep disorder, depression, irregularly fast heart rate and low blood sugar level. In addition, they would enjoy life less and less, their relationships would fall apart and they would be recluse even more.

So, instead of drinking alcohol, you need to face whatever problems you have and solve in a proper and healthy manner. Oftentimes, people who abuse this substance experienced traumatic events in their lives such as an accident of a crime of violence and all they wanted to do is to forgot about them. But what would be best for them to do is to assess that traumatic event. He must realize that it already happened in the past and he still has the opportunity to learn from it and do whatever he can to prevent it from happening again. If he is able to move on and develop an adequate and realistic way of seeing and feeling about himself, then, he would be able to overcome his anxieties and fears.

Joshua David is a loving husband and father of 4 who has help his wife fix her self-image which automatically fixed her anxiety disorders. For more great information on alcohol anxiety be sure to visit for your FREE ebook on "How to Turn Emotional Scars into Emotional Strengths!

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Tax Time - Anxiety & Worry

It seems that no matter where you go you will hear people telling you how stressed out they are about getting their taxes ready. Have you ever thought about how amazing it is that we can create emotional and physical distress just with our thoughts?

It is interesting that for many people what is causing the distress isn't the actual working on the taxes but the thoughts and worries about doing them.

Our thoughts have power. What we think can create physical symptoms. Just thinking about having to prepare for tax day can cause the stomach to feel upset, or the heart to pound. Some people use food to sooth these feeling and many people find the can easily gain 5 pounds over this stressful time. Others find that the anxiety causes them not to be able to focus, and the more anxiety the feel the more difficult focusing on the task becomes.

There are ways to stop the anxiety cycle. Even with real life stress we can learn to create a feeling of ease. Even when you have to approach a task that isn't pleasant there are ways of changing the feelings.

Actually worry & anxiety can be stopped by using techniques that work on different areas of the mind. Changing the thoughts that are going through your mind is powerful. Yet is one of the most difficult places to start. To change thoughts you first need to recognize that you are having the thought.

There are two other and I believe easier ways to stop anxiety but since thoughts are creating the stress about tax day well start with the technique that works on the thought part of the stress cycle.

Feeling Stressed:

1. Pay attention when you feel tension in your body.
2. See if you can notice any thoughts going through your mind.
3. Once you are aware of the thoughts, you can begin to evaluate if they are true, or if the are just "what if's" that most likely won't come to pass.
4. Come up with at least 2 other possible outcomes to replace the negative thoughts you were having

There are also techniques you can use to stop the stress cycle on the physical and emotional level. To learn more about how to use self-hypnosis to change your reactions to stress cycle check out While you are there watch the video and learn to use the powerful Mind Calming Exercise.

Audrey Sussman began her quest to find a way to get relief from anxiety and panic after suffering with panic for years. Now she is a nationally recognized seminar leader and author. Years of study and practice lead to her creating the Transformation System for the relief of panic, phobias, migraines and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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Fish Oil and Anxiety Relief Go Hand in Hand

In this fast-paced, multi-tasking world we live in today, many people are finding themselves stressed out, burned out, and over anxious. We need to be pro-active in maintaining healthy bodies so that we can ultimately sustain a healthy mind. Much research has been done regarding the use of fish oil and anxiety relief. Dr. Joseph Hibbeln,MD, who does research on the health benefits of fish at the National Institutes of Health found that people who regularly consume this oil are less likely to be depressed.

The omega-3 fatty acids present in this oil elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, two chemicals in our brain. Serotonin is a major neurotransmitter in brain activity that improves focus, elevates mood and reduces anger. These same essential fatty acids decrease levels of brain chemicals that cause you to feel stressed out and anxious.

Many pregnant women have found the link between fish oil and anxiety because of reduced mood swings, and a decreased risk of postpartum depression. The key factor of these wonderful health benefits is DHA, the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid found in the oil of fish as stated by Heidi Murkoff in the book "What to Expect When You are Expecting."

In another book for women, "The Cleveland Clinic Guide to Menopause," the author advocates women of menopausal age to increase their intake of omega-3 fats to lift their spirits and increase energy. She advises eating two servings per week of fatty fish like tuna or salmon. If you are unable to eat the adequate amount of fish you can choose to take an omega-3 dietary supplement. In a study conducted in Canada, researchers determined that women who took 1,000 milligrams of omega-3 supplements for eight weeks eased depressive symptoms related to menopause as well as reduced the number of hot flashes by more than half. This is a good example of the connection between fish oil and anxiety relief.

Be kind to yourself in using other natural ways to relieve simple anxiety such as eating right, exercising regularly, and practicing relaxation techniques. Get outside and take a walk. Confide in a good friend when you start to feel overwhelmed. Start a bedtime routine such as relaxing in a warm bath to set the mood for sleep. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and nicotine, which can increase anxiety levels. In rare cases when symptoms of severe anxiety continue after one week of trying these remedies at home, it is recommended to seek professional help.

Check out my web site listed in the bio section below to find out more great info about omega 3 fatty acids and how fish oil and anxiety relief goes together.

Elizabeth Ruby is passionate about good health and is a firm believer in taking quality nutritional supplements. She has extensively researched Omega 3 fatty acids for optimal health. Check out her web site at fish oil and anxiety relief to find out how she combats the stress in her life with Omega 3 fatty acids.

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Beating the Fear of Panic Attack and Anxiety - The First Step

The way you think about your fears often leads to tension in your muscles, then follows a vicious cycle of bodily discomfort and more worry about your sweaty palms, racing heart and constant uptight condition.

Work on these physical symptoms first and your mind will follow. This process, known as progressive muscle relaxation, can work wonders, and is similar to self hypnosis. A feeling of relief is surprisingly easy to achieve.

Begin by getting yourself some privacy and settle yourself in your favourite armchair. Another way is to lie on your back on the floor with your arms by your side. Lying on the bed could be a little too comfortable and you might fall asleep.

Once settled, concentrate on the tiny muscles of your toes, feet and ankles. Feel them relax. Move your concentration up to the muscles of your calves and thighs. Experience the sensation of your muscles becoming limp and slack, while your legs seemingly become heavier and heavier, just like lead.

Don't force the concentration or become upset if your mind tries to steer you back to thinking about one of your fears. Acknowledge the thought but let it drift gently out of your mind and return to the feeling of deepening relaxation as you concentrate on the muscles of your abdomen, then your back. All the while, feel yourself getting heavier and heavier, while sinking further into your chair.

Repeat the process for the muscles of your shoulders, arms hands and fingers. Don't forget the muscles of your scalp and face, where tension is often most keenly felt. Finally, when all parts of your body are relaxed, and you feel as heavy as a marble statue pressing into the chair, just concentrate on the blackness behind your closed eyelids for a while before returning to an awakened state.

This technique will become easier to perform with practise. Take your time and don't force it. Soon you will train your mind to snap into a state of instant calm and head off a looming panic attack.

Leon Makojed is a retired journalist with an eclectic range of interests. He overcame an anxiety problem in his younger days and hasn't looked back since, except with a continuing fascination with the mind/body connection. You owe it to yourself to take the easy first step, it could be life changing. But there is a lot more help for you at

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Anxiety Natural Remedies - Get Rid of Panic Attacks Naturally

Anxiety and panic attacks are becoming more and more common in today's busy lifestyle. Whilst there are many drugs and pharmaceuticals available which assist sufferers in dealing with panic attacks and anxiety disorders, one has to wonder - isn't there a natural remedy for anxiety and panic attacks?

Anxiety and panic attacks are terrible experiences to have to suffer through. Common symptoms include:

• Dizziness and poor balance

• The tightening up of your throat and chest area

• Shortness of breath

• Rapid heart beating/thumping

• Hot flushes

• Continuous and uncontrollable worries and undesirable thoughts

• A feeling of disconnection to the outside world

• An obsessive fear that the anxiety will push you over the edge

Most people struggle with anxiety and panic disorders for many years before seeing a doctor or professional. Generally, by the time they get to a specialist, they have so exhausted themselves in this panic state of mind and have little faith that they can actually overcome it naturally.

There is however a simple technique which can be used to overcome anxiety and panic disorders. The technique is completely natural and uses no medication. This technique is called the "One Move Technique". To understand this technique, you need to understand the basics of how a panic attack works:

1. When you first encounter a panic attack it is completely unexpected and it feels like their world is falling down around you. You begin to encounter a general feeling of unsafeness as anxiety becomes ingrained in your mind and your daily life.

2. As a response to this, you begin to either avoid situations which make you anxious, or you take some sort of medication so as to numb the fear. I am sure you will agree neither of the above is a suitable, long-term solution. As you can see, this is a vicious circle wherein the greatest fear is having another panic attack (ie, the fear of fear itself).

What the "One Move Technique" does is gives the sufferer the ability you immediately stop fearing having another panic attack, or stop fearing the actual fear. This effectively breaks the circle, permanently. The "One Move Technique" has been proven to work on thousands of people, emancipating them from their daily struggle of fear, anxiety and panic. The technique is used in a select few programs and courses, available on the internet.

One such program is the Panic Away Program, which I would highly recommend. For more information on the Panic Away Program, click here.

All The Best,
Derek JJ
Self Hypnosis

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Natural Anxiety Relief - What is It?

Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state that is personified by behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and somatic factors. When these factors combine, they create an unpleasant feeling that can be associated with fear, uneasiness, and worry. Anxiety is a mood condition that happens without an identifiable triggering stimulus and when it is felt in severe states, if could cause sufferers from living normal lives.

What are anxiety attacks like? When a person has gone into a state of fear and feels like he or she can't control what is happening to him or her, it is most likely an anxiety or panic attack. Fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, and uneasiness are just few of the common symptoms that occur during an anxiety attack. It should be known though that anxiety is a normal feeling but it is when it goes overboard and maims the sufferer from living a normal life

When we hear of anxiety and panic attacks, most of the remedies recommended by experts have something to do with transcriptions medicines. Transcription medicines guarantee fast anxiety relief and most of them deliver quick fixes but the disadvantage is that most prescription drugs only provide relief when an attack occurs and creates a dependency on the part of the anxiety sufferer. Prescription meds also do not guarantee curing anxiety attacks from the root cause and only touch the surface of the problem and do not provide lasting effects.

Most experts including physicians would recommend using prescription medicines instead of natural anxiety relief since they can benefit a lot from the industry. If more anxiety sufferers learn more about curing their anxiety and panic attacks in a natural way, the experts and pharmaceutical companies will lose a lot of profit! What anxiety sufferers should be aware of is that they could just be pawns in a huge industry and that they may not be aware that prescription drugs may have harmful side effects on their bodies.

Natural anxiety relief is considered to be safe and effective when it comes to treating anxiety and panic attacks. The natural approach with these remedies is combined with scientific research in order to ensure effectiveness. What us wonderful with natural anxiety relief is that the treatments and therapies are easy to use, convenient, discreet, and non-habit forming.

Natural anxiety relief attacks anxiety and panic attacks with techniques that help eliminate the problem from the core - healing comes from within! Anxiety sufferers need not be subjected to prescription drugs since they can help themselves fix their own problems naturally!

Natural anxiety relief is safe, effective, and easy to find and can be used anytime and anywhere. If you are still hiding from the dark shadow of anxiety and prescription drugs, better seek out natural anxiety relief and live a stress-free and anxiety-free life!

Would you like to learn more on how to get natural anxiety relief and live a life free of worry? Learn some some of the best methods to achieve that natural anxiety relief quickly and free yourself from the burden of anxiety forever.

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The Real Anxiety Cures - Hint, It's Not a Pill

Feelings of anxiety does not automatically mean you are depressed. Pharmaceutical companies, the media and even some doctors are always pushing people to drink some magic pill that will make them feel better about themselves. The problem with this is that most people are not "sick" enough to take these medications. These pills will do nothing but ignore the real reasons you are anxious.

Positive thoughts do wonders to help you feel better. I know you've heard this over and over, but it's true. Change the way you think about your life or your challenging situations so you can help your mind and body prepare for them. If all you think of is can't or won't, you're brainwashing your mind into thinking that you are not capable of doing things that you would normally be able to do. Get out of this though process before you dig yourself into a bigger, vicious anxiety circle.

Social interaction with others also benefits those suffering from anxiety. Most of us don't want to talk to others about our anxiety, especially when we are having these feelings. However, getting in touch with the people who care about you the most can give you a different outlook about your life and the way you feel about it.

Get medical help if you feel your anxiety is too severe. There are times when your anxiety can keep you from working or enjoying everyday activities you normally enjoy. When this happens you may in fact be suffering from a chemical imbalance in the brain. Speak to a medical professional if you feel this the case.

Click here to see how natural anxiety cures can help you recover from your negative outlook.

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Hypnosis & Anxiety - Can Hypnosis Help You Get Rid Anxiety & Reduce Stress?

Anxiety, a more socially acceptable way of saying fear, can range in intensity from a reasonably mild case of stage fright, all the way up to a full blown panic attack. We all feel fear - but for some people, certain activities and places tend to cause such a high level of tension that the person can't even function properly. The ultimate expression of a fear is an outright panic attack. With too much stress, these people may not be able to hold a job, go out in public, shop, drive or do many other activities that are considered common and crucial to a normal and healthy life.

Many physical problems can have their root cause in an anxiety disorder. "Stress" can cause heart disease, excessively high blood pressure, strokes, muscle ache, fibromyalgia, and many other conditions which can reach life threatening stages. Stress is just fear, after all, and fear is designed to put us into a fight or flight state of being. However, remaining within this fight or flight state is not healthy in the least - especially when the danger we feel is not genuine. When someone is having a panic attack or is terrified to the point where they can't function, even if they aren't in mortal danger, if their body believes the danger is life threatening it will respond accordingly.

There is nothing new about anxiety, as there is nothing new about fear. Even the recognition that fear-based issues exist has been known for centuries. Many people, often women, have been diagnosed with such issues. In the past, it was often labeled "hysteria" and the treatment was a number of different medications, including alcohol... not so much a cure as a panacea. In nearly every case, if one looks at the afflicted individual's life, there was an incident or particular time period in that life where such trauma occurred that the episode caused them to experience severe fear whenever they became exposed to anything reminding them of that incident or time period.

While there are drugs which can force a person to appear to be better, the most effective means to alleviate the symptoms is to work on healing the internal strife which causes them. Hypnosis, performed by a trained professional, can help to ease the underlying fear and suffering.

Aside from that hypnosis will also help you to relax more. In fact, regular sessions, whether you use a recording or visit a hypnotherapist, will help to train your mind and body to activate your "relaxation response" more often. And it won't be long before you'll be feeling calmer and more at ease on a regular basis.

If you want to start to get on top of your stress today, then you might want to spend some time listening to a relaxing hypnosis recording.

Pop over to and download your free hypnosis MP3. You will definitely feel more relaxed after listening to it and the more often you use it, the more you will feel a sense of inner calm.

From Rachel Ford - Clinical Hypnotherapist & Personal Change Coach

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Anxiety Therapy - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help

Experiencing some level of anxiety as a response to certain things, like instances where we feel threatened or in danger, is normal when it is on an infrequent basis, or every once in a blue moon. Unfortunately, there are quite a few people that have these intense and overwhelming feelings regularly, and with the simplest incidences that would not usually upset most people. It is important for you to understand that if you suffer from heightened anxiety that is above normal levels, there are many people going through the same thing. In most of these cases, anxiety disorder is to blame. There are many treatment options, but more of the less severe cases often respond well to anxiety therapy.

The most common and widely used form of therapy for anxiety is cognitive behavior therapy. This type of therapy is used for many different issues, but people with fewer severe cases of anxiety disorder have responded well when they have repeatedly gone through this therapy. Anxiety therapy in this form can also be combined with medications, but many people have found that once they learn how to implement what they learn into their daily lives, the need for medications as part of the treatment is rather low. When used for anxiety therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy can involve a few different aspects.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is in fact a term that is used to describe a few different elements that can be applied to anxiety therapy. CBT is a psychotherapeutic form that actually involves teaching people to learn how to deal with certain aspects of daily life. Using cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety therapy involves learning how to overcome all the feelings, cognition, and behaviors that are related to your anxiety or what may trigger episodes of panic attacks. It is this therapeutic intervention that helps you to learn how to control and quiet your anxiety so that you can lead a normal and functional life.

Although the idea in itself is actually terrifying enough, one of the most basic forms of this anxiety treatment involve recreating and exposing you to what your triggers are - what it is that terrifies you the most and brings on your anxiety attacks. This is called in vivo exposure. It is a gradual introduction to your terrors so that you can learn how to effectively deal with and overcome these terrors and work to reduce the number of anxiety attacks that you have. When undergoing this form of anxiety therapy, you are in the safety and controlled atmosphere of your therapist's office, so that if you have trouble trying to control your fears through the confrontation the therapist has the ability to intervene.

Anxiety therapy can also involve the use of psychotherapy as part of the cognitive behavioral therapy that you will undergo. Psychotherapy helps to teach you how to change the way that you regard or think about certain situations. For example, if you tend to assume always the worst case scenario in the middle of a panic attack (which is rather common), this form of anxiety therapy will help you learn how to think more positively and assume that things are not as bad as they seem or could always be a whole lot worse than what they are at that very moment. The idea is to bring in rational thinking to replace the irrational thoughts that are created by your anxiety.

Check out this site to discover more about Anxiety Therapy, for further information about your long time health, please visit my website

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Dealing With Anxiety - Break the Cycle of Fear and Start Living a Normal Life Again

Dealing with anxiety can be a nightmare for many people. I know, because I have dealt with it myself. At one point, my anxiety was so bad that I was afraid to leave my house. Even the simplest of tasks such as grocery shopping would leave me with sweaty palms, a rapid heartbeat, dizziness and nausea. One time I even left a cart full of groceries in the middle of the aisle and ran out of the grocery store because my anxiety symptoms were so severe.

Perhaps you have had similar experiences?

You might find yourself begging off of social situations for fear of having a panic attack and avoiding crowded places because it sends your anxiety levels shooting through the roof. At work, you might be terrified that you'll have to speak in a meeting or talk to important customers.

If you are anything like me, dealing with anxiety and panic attacks has probably left you feeling unconnected from your friends and family like you are living a trapped and solitary existence that is focused around your anxiety and avoiding situations that might trigger it.

You've probably tried to get help. I went through years of expensive therapy which did help to some point but I never wanted to take any drugs so the anxiety was always there no matter how many "tricks" I learned to try to keep it at bay.

Be that as it may, there are a few things you can do to help you get through an anxiety attack and try to get back to a normal life. The most important thing is to realize that no one ever died from a panic attack. Part of what heightens the anxiety during these attacks is the fear for your health and it's no wonder with all the intense physical symptoms you are feeling.

Another thing you can do is to know your triggers and try to limit your exposure to them. For me it was the grocery store. For some reason going there would always send me into a panic attack. But, I discovered that if I chose a time when there were less people, I could get through it more easily.

Thirdly, you can try using a distraction - something that takes your mind off of the panic for a second. I used to touch my forehead. For some reason, that would help ease the anxiety level down to something that was manageable. It probably looked kind of weird, but it worked!

Even if you have tried dealing with your anxiety through therapists and programs, there is one other thing you might not have tried and that is something called the "One Move Technique". I know it sounds simple, but this simple technique is based on decades of research and is incredibly powerful.

It isn't based on therapy, hypnosis, breathing techniques or any of the other things that you have probably already tried. It works by using advanced psychology to break the cycle of anxiety that your brain goes through each waking moment. It allows you to stop fearing the "next" panic attack and once you do, your anxiety vanishes and your confidence soars and the best part is that it lasts for a lifetime.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could feel free to socialize, function at business meetings and interact with friends and family without fear of anxiety? When you finally get rid of anxiety for good, you will have confidence in your ability to do everyday activities like driving in the car, meeting friends for lunch and even grocery shopping.

Imagine being able to do those things you love that anxiety and panic attacks might be stopping you from doing? By dealing with anxiety once and for all, you can really feel free again and have renewed enthusiasm for life as you experience exciting opportunities that were previously closed to you due to anxiety.

Next, find out about the One Move Technique that will permanently get rid of your anxiety, boost your confidence and let you get back to living your life without the fear of having another panic attack- CLICK HERE to learn more.

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How to Treat Dog Separation Anxiety

Dog separation anxiety is one of the most common problems you can encounter with your dog. If you have a dog that has separation anxiety symptoms, such as constant barking, destruction of furniture, or shaking, you need to help your dog. If you don't treat your dog, the symptoms will just get worse!

Here are the 3 pillars to successfully treat your dog:

1) Pack Leadership

Pack leadership is crucial for your dogs mental health. If your dog thinks that they are the leader, they become stressed more easily, because they aren't just worried about their own welfare, they are worried about you too. You will need to set some strict ground rules when you start you treating dog. For example, if your dog expects to be pet, make them sit first. If they don't sit, ignore them. They need to remember that they work for you.

2) Behavior Modification

Behavior Modification exercises are used to replace anxious behavior, with calm behavior, or no behavior at all. For example, if your dog gets anxious when you put on your shoes, you need to put on your shoes more often when you aren't leaving. This way, your dog no longer associated shoes with you going. Keeping your dog in a calm state before you leave is one of the keys to solving your dogs separation anxiety.

3) Medication and Natural Remedies

For dogs with severe separation anxiety, medications are available. One of the most common medications is Clomicalm. It takes a couple of weeks for it to kick in, but it does reduce the symptoms of anxiety. Clomicalm is not a magic pill. It needs to be combined with strong pack leadership and behavior modification to solve the problem. For less severe separation anxiety, natural remedies can help keep your dog in a calm mental state.

Finding a solution for separation anxiety used to be an expensive, time consuming process. Not anymore! If you want to learn more about behavior modification, and how to Cure Dog Separation Anxiety quickly and easily, visit to sign up for a free 5 Day course.

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Do I Have an Anxiety Disorder? How to Tell If You Have One

The list of very stressful medical conditions affecting millions of people around the world is an extremely long one. One of the most common conditions affecting people can be classified as anxiety disorders. This is a very broad generalisation, as these disorders affect people in many different ways. The one thing that is known though, is that these conditions tend to get worse over time if a person doesn't have it treated. Therefore, if you think you may have an anxiety disorder, talk to you doctor or health care professional and see what can be done.This article will discuss the various types of anxiety disorders that exist today.

Panic Attacks

A panic attack is one of the most common anxiety disorders today. This is when a person has unexpected panic attacks repeatedly. All people can panic, but when it happens on a daily or even hourly basis, it is definitely a problem. However, there are medical cures and behavioural controls that can alleviate these.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can develop at any point in a person's life. It tends to happen when the person experiences something very traumatic such as physical abuse, a natural disaster or being in a war. A common symptom is a person having persistent horrifying thoughts or constant nightmares around the traumatic event. Although the term is fairly new, it has been noted for nearly a hundred years in soldiers fighting in various wars, although is might have been termed 'Shell Shock'.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is also a common disorder. People who suffer from this disorder have uncontrollable and even unwanted urges or compulsions to perform certain tasks, such as washing their hands every 5 minutes or flicking the light switch on and off a certain number of times each time they leave a room. Although it may seem funny, people with this disorder find their lives severely affected to the point were they can barely leave their home. Public ridicule is also a constant threat to a person's self-esteem.


Phobias are also considered a disorder. Although most people have some sort of phobia (ie fear of spiders, heights, etc), some fears will affect their daily lives. An example is the fear of small spaces, called claustrophobia. Another serious phobia is the fear of being outside their home, called agoraphobia. This is very debilitating as a person cannot even leave their home to be a productive member of society. In general, phobias are usually irrational and extremely intense. If a person has a phobia about an object, being in the same room as that object can lead to a severe panic attack. Hypnotherapy can be a possible cure for the more severe phobias.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Some people suffer from a more generalised anxiety disorder where they simply have higher levels of nervousness but not necessarily experiencing panic attacks. People with this condition are diagnosed with what is called GAD, or Generalised Anxiety Disorder.

Anxiety disorders affect all people around the world. It doesn't matter how old you are, which country you live in, how much money you make, what your religion, race or gender is, you can be affected by some sort of anxiety disorder. The good news is that there are medical cures for these conditions available. Even better, there is more and more research going into these disorders. The key is to identify the anxiety problem before it takes over your life. A doctor or health care professional can treat you for the disorder, but it is vital that you are able to identify the problem in the early stages. Even if you think you may have an anxiety disorder, it is better to have a doctor say you don't have the disorder instead of ignoring the problem until it becomes much much worse.

About The Author:

Doug has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. Although he specializes in topics such as health and healthy lifestyles, you can check out his latest website,, which discusses the various types of plastic punch bowls and other party supplies you may need for that big upcoming party!

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How to Stop an Anxiety Attack and Banish it For Good! - My Top Two Tips

These is my top two tips on how to treat a panic attack and banish it for good. By using these tip alone to cure panic and anxiety attack, you could be saving hundreds or thousands of dollars on panic attack therapies and consultation fees.

Here are some tips how to stop an anxiety attack:

1) Alter the emotional state you're in to cure an anxiety

In this modern era and the fast pace of society that we're living in, there is no doubt that we're always feeling under constant pressure,stress from severe working enviroment, social networking, home, family affairs. Without realising this problem, gradually you will start to think negatively if you're unable to control the state of your emotion you're in. When it becomes unbearable, anxiety will creep in and you will feel helpless, fear, unable to move your body. It seems that your body is numb and the fear of panic attack will come again.

So, how do you stop an anxiety attack or how to fight anxiety?

Before, go further on how to stop panic attacks tips, I would like to share with you a real story on how this gentlemen was able to cure panic everytime it happens to him?

This actually happened to my good friend, Michael. He got broke up with his then girlfriend. Feeling guilty, unwanted or angry all the time - why this had to happened to him? He was feeling letdown all the time and true enough, anxiety attack strike on him. This goes on for a few months and effected his work performance and by the social life was non existence. He was helpless and the fear of anxiety attack happen again was great enough for him to look for a cure.

Luckily, he found the answer by reading a book. First thing that he notice is that ANXIETY ATTACK does not KILL.

Secondly, when anxiety attacks happen to him again, he altered the state of emotion he was in. He would calm down himself first. In order to cure his panic attack, he would take deep breath and exhale until the panic attack subside. Normally it would last about 5 to 10 minutes. If it doesn't work on the first time, he would continue to inhale longer and hold the breathe for 10 seconds (if possible) and exhale very slowly.

Finally, he would alter the emotion of fear,helpless to feeling thankful that the world he is living in. He know that panic attack would not kill him. He would laugh about it and treat the panic attack didn't happen to him. Gradually and slowly, he was able to cure panic attacks by conquering his anxieties and panic attack.

2) Visualize

When you want to cure a panic, try to visualize your anxiety that you can imagine as real. Tell it to go away, that you're the one in control and you're not panic. Keep visualize until the object slowly fades away from your imagination. Don't stop here. Keep reassuring yourself that the panic is not an issue and just some rude intruder that comes at the wrong time.

After the 'Visualizing',it's time to relax your whole body's muscle. Release yourself by tightening the muscle and release them one by one. Start from the feet up to your head. Unless your muscle is loosen up, you need to repeat the process from 'Visualizing' again or from the breathing.

By following these tips on how to stop an anxiety attack, you could be saving hundred or thousands of dollars on seeing doctors or attending therapies.

Warning: Follow this carefully. If you have frequent anxiety attack and want to know how to stop panic all together, then you need to get help right away. Panic attacks are serious and the come up on you at anytime, regardless of how long you have been suffering from anxiety, there is a natural and proven way to control panic attacks and get your life back.

Of course, these tip on how to stop an anxiety attack is just the beginning. A complete how to stop an anxiety attack course/book is the key to help you overcome panic or anxiety forever. Luckily, there are legitimate how to cure panic attacks secrets, tips, insights and researches that actually work, thanks to the efforts of doctors and certified consultants who have developed them over many years of working with millions of people worldwide.

You can find out more on How To Stop An Anxiety Attack as well as discover much more information,tips,secrets on everything to do with anxiety and panic attacks at my website.

Discover the amazingly simple method that has helped me to overcome my panic and high levels of anxiety on how to cure panic attacks and banish it for GOOD today.

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Food Therapy For Anxiety Disorder

Food therapy itself is not going to cure your anxiety disorder unless it was caused by a nutritional deficiency, which is rare. However, the food you eat has such a huge impact on your state of mind that no anxiety sufferer can ignore their eating habits, even if he or she has undergone successful cognitive behavioral therapy.

The food you eat affects your emotional state more than you realize. A lack of certain minerals has been proven to cause anxiety and depression. For this reason, all anxiety sufferers should switch permanently to a healthier diet whether or not they can feel a difference in the short term. Getting yourself cured through some form of CBT will only be temporary if you continue to eat a diet of mainly processed junk food.

You could write a whole book on recommended foods for anxiety sufferers. But just to get you started, try to get more of the following nutrients into your diet: Omega-3 fatty acids, B Complex Vitamins, Folic Acid, Magnesium, Selenium, and Zinc. It is best to get these nutrients in freshly cooked food rather than food supplement pills. If you eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, switch to whole grain breads, rice and pastas and eat lots of oily fish, you will get enough of these nutrients to buffer the effects of your anxiety.

The B complex vitamins are crucial for combating anxiety and depression, particularly B1, B3, B6, B9 and B12. Some foods high in B vitamins are liver, oily fish, avocado, cereal grains, lentils, bananas, soybeans, beef, dairy products, eggs, molasses and brewer's yeast. Bananas are especially great for anxiety relief. Eat as much as you can.

If you are going to take vitamins supplements, note that the B3 vitamin for anxiety is niacinamide, not niacin. Look for niacinamide or nicotinamide on the label before you buy.

You can do more research yourself on what foods are high in the nutrients you need. But what I would like to talk about now is how you should change your diet. In a word, GRADUALLY. When it comes to anxiety disorder, stop looking for instant cures. You are re-programming yourself, so phase in everything slowly and comfortably.

Anxiety sufferers are usually pretty low on patience and discipline, the two qualities needed to change a major lifestyle pattern. You need to make up for that lack with a sense of enjoyment and fun. When you go through the food charts, look for foods that you would enjoy eating.

If you rarely cook for yourself, making cooking your new hobby will not only vastly improve your diet but it is also a fantastic form of diversion therapy for anxiety. Cooking for yourself gives you a chance to sample high end foods like salmon or tuna steaks for not a lot of money. If you cut out junk food, you'd be surprised to discover that you can make healthy gourmet meals for more or less the same money.

If you are a heavy consumer of coffee and alcohol, you need to quit both eventually. High caffeine and alcohol consumption will flush out tons of vitamins and minerals from your body and make you dehydrated. But again, you need to cut back on them gradually.

Never quit anything cold turkey while you are recovering from anxiety or your anxiety will skyrocket. Make up a withdrawal chart and track your progress with it. Give yourself several months to comfortably withdraw from something. Charts like these can give you a huge sense of accomplishment. Lastly, drink water. Lots and lots of it. Dehydration makes anxiety so much worse.

Visit my website and find genuine in-depth reviews of the major anxiety treatment programs available on the internet. Also learn about other natural remedies for anxiety disorder.

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