Saturday, May 29, 2010

Alleviating Depression

Those suffering from serious conditions such as depression and anxiety should seek the help of a doctor, but for people who are just feeling a little down, there are some simple, natural remedies that act as great mood-boosters.

Religious Services: A study has shown that attending religious services can have a positive effect on mood. Those who entered the services feeling low came out in a better mood, and the effect was even more pronounced in people who attended services regularly. The study didn't compare the different types of services; all services were found to have the same positive effects on mood.

Looking at Photos: Crack open all those family photo albums you have and take a trip back to the old days - it'll make you feel better to bring back all those great memories. Many of us also have hours of home movies that can have the same effect.

Be Thankful: A simple "thank you" can put a smile on another person's face, which in turn makes us feel better as well. It also helps us to see how we're helped every day by the people around us.

Organize Your Space: Messy and cluttered spaces make it difficult to concentrate on what really matters, whether it's at home or at work. Straighten out your spaces and you'll feel more comfortable and less stressed in those areas.

Take In Some Sun: Many people are affected by seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, in the dark months of winter. When we don't get enough sunlight, our moods tend to suffer as a result. If you find your moods becoming more negative in the winter months, get some sun whenever you have the chance, or use some type of light therapy responsibly.

Work Out: Exercise might not be high on your list of things to do, but it's a great mood enhancer. Vigorous activity causes our brains to release endorphins, which are the hormones that cause the "runner's high" that keeps athletes going.

Drink Some Herbal Tea: More than just a way to warm up on a cold night, a cup of chamomile tea can also impart mood-enhancing benefits that relax your nerves. Try adding some lavender, jasmine, or passionflower for a little extra something to help you relax.

Ensure fun on your party with outdoor party tents and retractable awning.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Depression - Interpersonal Therapy and Why It's So Important

This concerns how people relate to one another in their everyday lives. The different ways they communicate with other people and the manner in which they express themselves. Finding out whether someone is assertive, aggressive or timid is very necessary in this treatment. Indeed, it's vital.

Do they have 'social skills?' In other words, how do they actually behave around other people? It's very common for depressives to feel a lack of satisfaction in all manner of relationships. Family, work and social. Depression can cause a person, even one who was once charming and outgoing, to lose all desire to be around others, so that all the finesse they once had is lost.

Sometimes, the depressed person simply wants to be alone. To do a Greta Garbo, if you will! This was my problem. I was fine with my wife and son, but with any other family member and, God help me, strangers, I'd run a mile. Even talking on the telephone was extremely difficult.

Then again, there are others who can stand being around people, but they don't know what to say to them.

Other depressed people become a lot less assertive, they're unable to be positive about anything. After all, making decisions requires you to be positive and decision making for depressives is out of the question.

My 'decisions' entailed whether to sit in this chair or that and in what room was I going to spend the day.

Those who suffer from a milder form of depression may well be able to interact with others, but they tend to retreat, especially in group situations.

Yet others there are who try to carry on conversations, but tend to go what I can only describe as 'off centre.' They might talk too much, giving someone their life story in rapid-fire sentences or perhaps asking totally inappropriate questions. This is mainly because they're determined to fit in, they think they're chatting pleasantly, but in fact the reverse is true.

Others simply stand in the corner, quite unable to engage in small talk.

Like all the aforementioned therapies, Interpersonal Therapy in itself isn't the answer. For those people who do have communication problems, though, it's proving to be a very practical, sensible and helpful way for them to re-learn that which they've lost.

Fortunately, this idea that depression is simply a chemical imbalance is quickly losing ground.

Now, with all the therapies we've looked at, I'm sure you realize more than ever how vital it is to receive help from a professional who's highly qualified in depression. Someone with a very deep knowledge of the subject.

The last person you want to go to is the equivalent of 'Fred's Auto Wrecking and Wedding and Funeral Parlour.'

Mike Bond, telling us about Interpersonal Therapy and its uses. A visit to his Website, The Hypnosis Attraction, will give you so much more information about the condition of Depression. Make certain you pick up your copy of 'Why Worrying is Hypnotic and What To Do About It' FREE! Simply click on the 'free' to grab your copy

Mike Bond - EzineArticles Expert Author

Depression Treatment - 101 Ways to Beat Depression Naturally

Depression is a mental health disorder which affects the way a person eats, sleeps, feels about oneself and the way he perceives things around him. Depression should not be considered as just a passing mood, because it is not. It is also not a personal weakness that can be wished away. It is a disease which is curable and from there you can start a new lease of life. If a depressive episode is left untreatable, it can last for months and even years. The worst thing about depression is that ignorant people don't consider it as a real disease at all and think that a person can actually snap out of it. Depression requires medical attention and treatment.

Below are 101 ways to beat Depression at home without any prescription drugs.

1)Find hope. Understand that today may be a bad day, but tomorrow will not be the same. Whenever feelings of depression hit you, find something you can look forward to. Start concentrating on things which you like.

2) Eat apples everyday. They contain Phosphorus, Vitamin B and potassium which build the nerve cells and help keep depression at bay.

3) Practice positive self-talk. Speak to yourself about the goodness in your and the people around you. Make yourself say everyday that you will enjoy life no matter what.

4) Believe in God. No matter what religion you follow, try to understand the meaning of the principles and draw happiness from its teachings. Get inspired by the beliefs.

5) Make new friends. Start conversations with people you like and form new friendships. Talk to them regularly and try to be a good friend.

6) Be around people. Try not to be alone. Chat, share a joke and laugh with friends or family. Make the home environment a pleasant one to be in. It is true that "An idle mind is a devil's workshop". So try not to give any chances for this.

7) Join a Social club, take a class, meet someone for lunch or just chat with your next-door neighbor. Simple mundane talking can take care of a lot of mental unhappiness.

8) Find a hobby. Collecting stamps, reading and listening to music are a few of the common hobbies people enjoy. Find out what you like and spend a few hours everyday doing it.

9) Do what makes you laugh. Watching a funny sitcom on television, reading the daily newspaper cartoons or watching a funny movie on DVD, do things regularly that make you giggle.

10) Make New Friends. Find people on the street who look like they are having a good time. Get the spirit from them and pump fresh energy when ever you meet people like that.

11) Listen to Music.If you listen to music, chuck the melancholy ones and listen to music that makes you feel happy. Music can actually lift your mood. This can touch your soul and give an immediate cure to most of the problems.

12) Volunteer for helping out somewhere. You can opt for a pantry centre that feeds the poor or an abused women's shelter. You will feel a peace within yourself that you have never known.
13) Go for a walk. Walking is the best thing to do when you are depressed because it does not require a lot of motivation and is healthy as well. Stop thinking about your past while walking. Try to enjoy the nature and motive yourself to be like a great leader.

14) Make exercise a part of your daily routine. Exercising releases the endorphins of the body and helps you feel positive. It will also make you feel happier. Choose an exercise you are comfortable doing everybody.

15) Physical closeness is a mood-lifter. Give somebody a hug when you are feeling low. It may be a friend, a colleague at work or your mom. It works wonders. This is the best medicine found for depression and most recommended by any physician. A sharing of love and care will lift your spirits. Try to get a hug from a person whom you love the most.

16) Spend time with nature everyday. Gardening, walking or just sitting and breathing in the fresh air early in the morning will make you feel thankful to god that he created you. It will definitely improve your mood.

17) Spend time with yourself. Meditate, pray or just think about the positive qualities you have and the people who love you. But do remember that too much solitude may make you more depressed.

18) A lot of people feel depressed because they feel they are guilty of something. Face your demons. Ask for forgiveness from the person concerned and then put the whole episode behind you. Don't drag out the issue everyday and brood about it.

19) Let go of grudges. If you feel someone has done you wrong, forgive him or her. This is important to make peace with yourself. For instance, divorced people often hold grudges against their ex-spouses and feel angry and depressed. It is important to let go.

20) Open yourself to love. Embrace the love of family members and friends and try to reciprocate it. Basking in the warmth of love is the best way to reduce depression. Sharing of thoughts and true love will change the face of problems. You can get so many shoulders to share the responsibility and all off a sudden, all your problems might be solved.

21) Count your blessings. Instead of thinking about the negative things in your life, spend time everyday thinking about the positives. It could be anything; a great job, your best friend, your loving family or even your beautiful skin.

22) Reduce stress. Find out the areas in your life that make you most stressed and think about how to improve them. Eliminating stress will give you greater control of your life.

23) Do not procrastinate. When you keep off till tomorrow the work that can be done today, you are spending time thinking about ways you can avoid working instead of doing the work. Don't waste your time and energy in doing something so useless. Try to make the best use of your time.

24) Eat fats which are good for the body. Eat foods like fish, pork, beef and dairy because these contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 which help in the creation of new brain cells. Healthy food habits will keep away ugly thoughts and make you fresh.

25) Eat granola, sweet potatoes, starchy vegetables, whole fruits, stone ground bread, potatoes with their skin and popcorn. They provide the necessary carbohydrates to the body.

26) Eat a balanced diet. Have little protein at night and instead have complex carbohydrates. They help in the production of serotonin.

27) Having fruit before going to bed is a very good idea. The fruit will help you sleep and keep your depression at bay. On the other hand, it will supply all the essential nutrients and keep you healthy.

28) Take Vitamin B-6 supplements everyday. It will increase the levels of serotonin in the body. If you have a medical condition, consult your doctor before starting.

29) Eat your meals at approximately the same time each day. This is important as your body will not be starved of energy at any point of time.

30) Don't skip meals. When you skip meals in the condition of depression, your body cannot produce energy. This will make you feel down. Skipping meals is something you just can't afford to do.

31) Chinese medical research suggests that acupuncture can help to balance the positive and negative energies of the body. You can try it as it is a well-known way of treating depression.

32) Try not to be anxious in your day to day life. Everyday you may feel that you are constantly fighting with certain situations and people. Have a composed life style and try to balance all your feelings.

33) Don't while away time doing nothing. If you are a student, make notes or study or go out. If you are a housewife, you can find a job or start a small business. Being busy does not let you have time to think any depressing thoughts.

34) Be Social. Go out with friends for shopping or coffee. Meeting people and talking about mundane things will release happy-hormones and make you feel good. Try to spread happiness like a forest fire. You will never be depressed.

35) Get a massage done. It is a mood lifter and it help in alleviating depressive symptoms. The anticipation of a massage is almost as good as the massage itself. The massage should be got from a professional person so as to relieve all the stress.

36) Eat dark chocolate. Eating a small square of chocolate everyday will not make you fat. It has anti-oxidants which will help your mood. Anti-oxidants will help you to keep fresh the whole day and you will never have the feeling of being tired or depressed.

37) Eat less of refined sugar. Your body craves sugar when you are depressed but in the long run it actually makes you more depressed. Cut it out from your life as much as possible.

38) Even if you are eating well, you may not be getting all the essential nutrients your body requires. Consult your doctor and have a multivitamin everyday. Health supplements are important and play a vital role to eliminate stress.

39) Go swimming. It is a great exercise and gives your body a natural adrenaline rush. You will be happy and refreshed after a half-hour spent in the pool. Time spent in the pool will pump in fresh energy.

40) Don't spend the entire day in a cold grumpy office or house. Get some sunlight for at least 15 minutes. It is a wonderful natural mood-lifter. Start enjoying the beauty of nature outside.

41) If you live in an area where there is little sunlight, buy yourself a light box and look into it everyday for 15-20 minutes. It a great way of relieving depression.

42) It is important that you get enough sleep. Though it varies from person to person, 8 hours sleep a night is enough for most of the people. Make sure to have a regular routine and timing to sleep. If you change it frequently, the body system will get confused and you might face sleepiness all the day.

43) Napping in the afternoon for 30 minutes does not make you lazy. It could actually energize you and make you ready to spend the rest of the day productively. However, make sure that you do not become an addict to it.

44) Do not hide from the world. Make friends. The internet is a wonderful place for making new friends. Find online friends with whom you can share your thoughts, dreams and passions.

45) Break up your goals into smaller achievable parts. It will be easier to achieve them and make you feel confident. Pat yourself when ever you achieve a short term goal. You are the best motivator for yourself and take pride of all your actions.

46) This is important. Do not blame yourself or anyone else for your depression. You have it in you to overcome it yourself.

47) Don't decide on important things of your life such as divorce, marriage and career before you get out of the depressive state.

48) Accept the love and support your friends and family offer you. Be grateful for it. Reciprocate in the same way. The feeling of helping others and to see a smile in their face is a great way to root out depression.

49) Don't hide your depressive state. Let people around you know you are depressed. Get the help from professionals.

50) Take steps everyday to build confidence and self-esteem. A confident person can beat all odds. It will give the power to win odd situations.

51) Always remember that there is someone who is less fortunate than you. You are a lucky person. Think that you are having 10 full fingers with which you can win the world.

52) Find happiness in little things such as a great book, your favorite TV show or just the fact that your mother made your favorite baked roast today.

53) Eat cashew nuts everyday because the Riboflavin and Vitamin B it contains is good for you.

54) Another option is to have Vitamin B supplements.

55) Whenever depression hits you, get up and get active. Don't while away time in your bed brooding. Do not let depression to depress your mind state. Get going with your daily routine inspite of difficulties.

56) Whenever you feel one of your moods coming, try to shift you attention to someone else's problems. Try to find solutions instead of worrying.

57) Pamper yourself by having a bubble bath or buying an expensive book you have been eyeing to get the happy hormones flowing.

58) Understand what it is that depresses you. Stop doing it. Getting to the core of the issue is important.

59) Try to have beautiful relationship with your partner. Bickering, arguments and quarrelling are no-no's. You can have them once in a while. If this persists for a long time, try to find an immediate long term solution.

60) Smile to yourself at the mirror everyday. It will make you want to do it all day. Start developing the sense of feeling that you are the most beautiful or handsome person in this world. It will boost your confidence level.

61) Smile to people around you. On the road, at your office or in the departmental store, smile! A gentle smile would pave way to beautiful relationships.

62) If you have diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney or liver trouble get them treated as soon as possible. Make sure that you are under proper medication and do not feel the pinch of diseases.

63) Make a schedule of your daily life. Follow it religiously. Stick to your own rules. Act accordingly. It will give you a disciplined life and will make you fit.

64) Laugh everyday. Join a laughing club or just laugh looking at yourself in the mirror. This has become a rare commodity. However, you do not give a chance. Share a good joke with your friends and family members.

65) Don't live in denial. Accept the fact that you are depressed and take steps to treat it. The state of being denied is very painful. Hence, find an immediate answer and try to analyze the causes for that.

66) Know your limitations and liabilities. It will help you look at life with a practical eye. A practical approach to all the problems would find the much awaited key. Do not be extravagant while finding a solution. Be calm.

67) Stop worrying about things that are not in your control. Do as much as you can and then let go. Accept the proceedings of fate. But do not be idle and a mute spectator.

68) Patience is a virtue you need to develop. You won't just snap out of depression one day, it will take time and effort but will surely go away. Have this in your mind. There can be no problems which are permanent in life.

69) Always take one step at a time. Everyday try to do a little bit more to get rid of your depression. Find out the ways and things that will cheer you up. So stick to activities of that kind.

70) Practice a healthy lifestyle. Sleep, eat a balanced diet and get proper exercise to stay happy. A life with a perfect combination of all these activities will give you more.

71) Avoid consuming alcohol. It will make you more depressed. Don't try burying your sorrows in alcohol. Consuming alcohol is not good for health. It means you are inviting problems on your own. There might be health complications too because of this problem.

72) If you are a smoker, quit. Nicotine may make you feel good as long as you have the cigarette in your hand, but it is actually bad for your mood in the long run. It will make you an addict to this habit.

73) Popping pills to treat everyday ailments without them being prescribed by a doctor will ultimately make you feel down. Stop this habit. This will further lead to complications. Do not encourage self medication.

74) Take a carrot and some spinach and put it in the blender. Drink the juice everyday. Prefer fresh juices instead of junk food items. You will get tons of energy and it will make good for the health.

75) Bananas contain serotonin, norepinephrine and potassium. Have two ripe bananas everyday. You can stay healthy for the life time.

76) Avoid having too much coffee. If you cannot do without it, limit yourself to a couple of cups everyday. The main ingredient will make you an addict which is not good.

77) Drinking ginger tea everyday improves the blood and oxygen circulation of the body and keeps you feeling good. Having a proper supply of oxygen is very important for the health. This will make you a fit personality and will keep you fresh round the clock.

78) Have sage tea with honey. It will sharpen your brain power and alleviate depressive symptoms.

79) Drinking peppermint tea will relax your system and improve your mood. Have it everyday. A happy mood will find a solution to any of the problems.

80) Do not have sugar with your tea. You can have honey or jaggery instead.

81) Have milk with apple and honey every alternate day. It may not sound very appetizing but the combination will improve your mood.

82) When shopping for groceries, load up on citrus fruits and vegetables. They help in lifting the mood. They will lift up your spirits.

83) Try yoga. A lot of people all over the world are effusive about the usefulness of yoga in treating depression. This will improve your concentration level and also will help you to remain calm at times of problems. A calm mind is very much essential to analyze the root causes of the problems.

84) If it is something in the earlier part of your life that makes you depressed, try to put it all behind you. Remember, tomorrow is a new day. Make your day as the best one as you will never get a chance to make a better yesterday.

85) Boil a cup of water and put fresh rose petals in it. Drink it after straining the petals. This is a nice way to enjoy the beauty of life.

86) A lot of people have found relief from depression by drinking 2-3 cups of liquorice tea everyday. Take the help of medicinal herbs like these and get rid of depression.

87) Dry root of asparagus, if eaten daily after being crushed and mixed with honey, is known to help in depression.

88) Have a good breakfast. All types of foods, that is, proteins, carbohydrates and fats should be a part of your daily breakfast.

89) Have a glass of orange juice early in the morning. The Vitamin C boost will be good for you.

90) Soak 5-10 almonds in water at night and eat them first thing in the morning everyday. This will make your body light and will keep you away from all the worries. You will never think about the problems and instead will solve it easily.

91) If tiredness and lethargy is what you feel even after waking up after 8 hours of sleep, you have to make the effort to get out of the cycle. Remember, the moment you decide you are going to give in, your depression wins over you.

92) Don't indulge in self-pity. It is a cycle that you have to end the moment it starts. Do not get in to this bad habit. You will never be able to come out of this problem and it might spoil your character too.

93) If you are depressed about a relationship with somebody, may be your spouse, a parent or a friend, speak to the person about it. You need to get it solved. Don't brood over it. A gentle conversation sparked will solve all the misunderstandings. Remember that communication is the shortest distance between two people.

94) Keep a diary. Vent all your frustrations, anger and moments of happiness in it. Keep a track of how you feel everyday. This will help you plan the next day better.

95) Research has shown that watching too much television can actually make you feel more depressed. You will be better off doing something productive. Those television programs will make you think about them and not about your problems. Do not waste much of your time. On the other hand, do not miss out on the entertainment too.

96) Painting, clay modeling, stitching and knitting make you feel at peace with yourself. Do take out sometime everyday for any one of these everyday. People who have interests on these kinds of activities might pursue this. This will give those good hopes and satisfaction.

97) Reading good books is a great mood enhancer. But when you are choosing books, make sure you don't choose depressive dark and sad books. Comics are something that will always help.

98) Consult your doctor and ask him to recommend a good calcium and magnesium supplement that you can take everyday.

99) Cooking is something that will make you happy whether you are a man or a woman. Cook with love, involve your partner and get creative with your cooking. It will make you a lot happier.

100) Drinking green tea is another home remedy that works to treat depression. Green tea contains natural antioxidants which will help you deal with stress better.

101) It`s a good idea to look for a professional counselling. Depression is a disease which is completely treatable. A therapist or counsellor can lead you to the path of complete recovery.

A huge percentage of people around the globe are suffering from depression and the number is increasing everyday. The one thing worse about depression is not to take any steps to treat it. If you are depressed, follow the tips given here. Depression if left untreated may even lead to self-harm and suicide. Don't wait before it's too late. A lot of people will be cured by following the tips, but some may need professional help. If you deal with depression with courage and confidence, nothing can stop you from winning the battle. Have a wonderful life ahead of you free of depression.

Do you want to learn how to treat Depression without Prescription Drugs?
I have just completed my brand new free eBook on Natural Cures of Depression.
Download the eBook for Free here: Depression Treatment 101

Article Source:

Kriti Arora - EzineArticles Expert Author

Depression - What it is and 5 Ways to Help Yourself Get Rid of It

The Meaning of Depression.

We had a look at this in some depth earlier in the month, but I want to give you some ideas on helping yourself, so a quick recap of what depression actually is, how it's caused, won't come amiss.

It's basically very simple. It's all about dreams, remember? Depressed people dream at least three times as much as people who don't suffer from the condition. Why do they dream? Because they brood. There's our old friend again! Most especially if you're a depressive like I was who simply wanted to be left alone.

There I'd sit, thinking about all manner of things past. You live in the past, don't you? You remember how someone stiffed you years and years ago, and you become angry. Emotional arousal? Ring any bells? The viscous circle begins. You brood on things that happened way in the past. You go to bed. You dream far too much, spending most of the night in the R.E.M. sleep stage and not the deep, refreshing sleep you so badly need.

Then in the morning, you're exhausted, and the cycle starts all over again. That tells you why you're depressed. That's a very potted version, but as I said, I did write about this previously.

How You Can Help Yourself.

1. Cut down on the brood sessions! In fact, make every effort to cut them out completely. This is the first and most important thing to do. Frankly, if you keep up the ruminations, you don't stand a chance. All that'll happen will be more of the dreams, more of the exhaustion and much more of the Depression.

Now, you're not dealing with a novice on the subject here. Believe me, I know how incredibly difficult it is not to simply sit around and think of past arguments, the 'if onlys' and why did she do that to me? It starts to be almost a sort of twisted luxury, a masochistic celebration, to re-live all the unpleasantness you encountered years ago.

But please. Fight it with every fibre of your being, otherwise there's no point in even starting to help yourself, or even to seek treatment. Following on from this,

2. Don't keep thinking in absolutes. Bring a nice shade of grey into your life. "Life's hell," is an absolute. "Well, it could be better, but it's the only life I have," introduces a modification. Watch yourself and try to catch the absolutes.

3. Exercise. Yes, I know, it's a grim thought, especially if you're like me, who's idea of a good workout is brushing his teeth, but try at least going for a little walk. I know the poor old body might hurt, but even if it's just to the mailbox and back, it's something.

4. Try to work, preferably at something mindless. Rake some leaves, sweep the driveway. All right, so the leaves blow back. It doesn't matter. It's the action, not the result.

5. Keep yourself occupied if you possibly can. Anything to keep yourself from thinking, at least thinking in the wrong way.

Nothing I've suggested here is easy, but then how long do you want to be depressed?

Mike Bond, giving us 5 ways to help ourselves overcome Depression. You'll find a lot more on the subject on Mike's Website, The Hypnosis Attraction. Now don't forget your copy of the Free download, 'Why Worrying Is Hypnotic and What To Do About It' - FREE! Just Click Here to get hold of it

Article Source:

Mike Bond - EzineArticles Expert Author

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Panic Attacks Cures For the Busy Executives

It is somewhat a common occurrence for people who experience a lot of stress to also suffer from anxiety. Mostly due to the escalation of conditions, more and more stress-prone individuals like busy bosses and executives are subjected to extreme cases of anxiety that can cause sleep panic attacks.

Basically taking the bar higher from regular anxiety issues, sleep panic attacks can be awfully disturbing. Someone suffering from this condition will most likely experience an anxiety episode in their slumber; making them feel uneasy and unsettled with rapid heartbeats and feeling totally confused when they finally wake up. Just like anxiety episodes, it can be very frightening, especially since you wouldn't exactly know what just happened - all you'll know is that you feel like dying or losing your sanity. What's even worse is that this also causes sleep phobias, making it harder for you to function normally.

If you're one of these unlucky people who has to get through your daily hectic schedule along with having to deal with sleep panic attacks, this is the right place for you. This article will not only help you learn what exactly it is that you have to deal with, but it will also give you some tips how to handle the condition with a variety of effective cures and treatment methods.

To help you get started with getting useful panic attacks cures, here are some good examples that you can try:

1. Take medications. Drugs that contain beta-blockers prove to be effective in preventing your adrenaline to rise and cause you to become agitated. This is very useful if you're struggling to keep your calm and trying to avoid fast heart rates, which is one of the dangerous symptoms of anxiety attacks while sleeping.

2. Avoid taking in any stimulants before sleeping. Even if you think caffeine and sugar doesn't affect your restful sleep, it would still be a wise move to avoid taking in such substances. This will help ensure that you'll be fully relaxed when you get to bed.

3. Follow guidelines for panic attack cures in general. Most of these can also help in dealing with anxiety attacks during your sleep, making it very convenient for you to learn them all the more.

These are just some of the easy sleep panic attacks cures you can try even with your busy schedule. Surely, if you'll take a bit more time to look into dealing better with the condition, you'll find more ways not only how to manage it, but also in how to get rid of it altogether.

Thinking of getting rid of your panic attacks fast? Now, you can. Get detailed solutions on how to get rid of sleep panic attacks now, which could be of help to treat your panic attacks problems fast? Be sure to visit and get your free 10-day mini-ecourse right now.

Eddy Wai KK - EzineArticles Expert Author

Different Methods of Panic Attacks Help

Shortness of breath, heart pounding, feeling dizzy, stomach aching - sound familiar? If you suffer from panic attacks you know exactly how this feels. Someone who has never had an attack does not fully comprehend what you are suffering. If you experience these attacks, you know that it is a very private thing and usually your fear is illogical. There may be some part of you that realizes this fear is irrational but you can't help feeling the fear. Along with your fear comes the feeling of shame. You may feel ashamed that you have this fear and also ashamed at how much the fear has influenced your life. If you are searching for panic attacks help, you can find the help you are seeking in many ways.

A lot of experts in this field believe that the best help for people with panic disorders is a combination of both physical and emotional therapy. Just simply learning what a panic attack is will be a great help to a lot of people who suffer from them. Merely understanding that you aren't going crazy, having a heart attack, or about to die from your attack can relieve some of your fear in itself. The right kind of therapy can help you alter your thinking from negative to positive and it can help you to view things in a more realistic way.

Therapy for behavior looks at what you are physically feeling during a panic attack. Someone who suffers these attacks is more afraid of suffering another attack than they are of an event or object. An example of this would be someone who is afraid to go to a party. They are generally not afraid of the party or people but rather of having an attack while at the party. A behavioral therapist may place the sufferer in a regulated setting so that they can see that the symptoms of a their attack will not necessarily progress into an all out panic attack. A behavioral therapist will also guide the sufferer through controllable steps of the fear that they are experiencing. An example of this type of controllable step may be just getting into a car to go to a party. In this setting, the person would have to confront the emotions that come from just being in the vehicle. This step will actually help them to focus on what is happening right now and not on the fear of what is going to come about (the party). They will realize that just being in the vehicle will not cause them to have an attack. This is an individualized process. People progress in different ways. One person may be able to go to a party but have to leave after only a few minutes while another person may be able to make themselves stay even though they are still having symptoms. Once you have made this progress, you may just find that it will be easier the next time.

Another avenue of panic attacks help is medication. The right medicine can not only control the symptoms but also lessen the amount of attacks and the severity of the attacks. Medication can also lessen the anxieties and fears that go along with panic attacks. Some people use relaxation methods to help them cope with their attacks. This may include breathing exercising and positive visualization. Panic disorder support groups can also be a great help to some people. Just knowing that you are not suffering alone can help a lot. Panic attacks are a private battle but a battle that many people deal with. Since this is such a widespread problem, it is actually easier to find the panic attacks help that you so desperately need.

Rivka Hartwell is very familiar with panic attacks. For more great tips on panic attacks help, visit

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Physical and Psychological Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety is often defined as the extreme fear or dread of something bad happening. This could be the result of a past trauma or it could be the result of being born with a phobia.

Further Explanation

Anxiety affects a person both physiologically (physically) and psychologically (emotionally and mentally). This unpleasant feeling often is described as apprehension, fear, or worry as well as traumatic dreams and nightmares.

It also may be accompanied by heart palpitations, sweaty palms, nausea, fatigue, chest pain, or shortness of breath. Headaches or stomach aches and/or flu and cold symptoms may also be another by-product of anxiety.

This condition often occurs as a result of a trigger, such as in the case of post-traumatic stress disorder. It also can happen independently of a "stimulus" or "cause."

Of course, the cause of the anxiety may not be known. This is usually the case in the event someone is experiencing memories but they are repressed. In this case, a person has no idea why he or she is acting a particular way.

Types of Anxious Conditions

There are numerous different types of anxious conditions and/or anxiety disorders. You may have heard of some of them. One of the most common is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which often is induced by triggers and reminders of past trauma.

Another very common disorder is generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). This may or may not be related to any stimulus that triggers physical or psychological fear symptoms. It basically is the "fear of everything" and often excessive worry and obsession is common in people suffering from this condition.

A more severe condition than the generalized anxiety disorder is the panic disorder. This often is characterized by an attack that is similar in effect as a heart attack. A person might even experience chest pain and trouble breathing and/or heart palpitations as if they are having a heart attack.

The major difference between a panic attack and a heart attack of course is that the panic attack is psychological. The person who experiences a panic attack has vital signs such as blood pressure and heart rate that measure at "normal."

Yet, they fear dying of a heart attack because that is pretty much what it feels like. Other types of anxiety disorders and anxious conditions have nothing to do with the physical though.

Other people may experience performance anxiety, which manifests itself in many forms. For instance, maybe they get "stage fright" while attempting to act out a part in a play, giving a speech, or singing a song.

In this case they often will tense up and forget what they are supposed to do-lines or lyrics or thoughts to express. The feelings of hopelessness or helplessness than arise as they begin to feel no good.

There are other types of anxious conditions that are very closely related to neuroticism, and this is known as "trait anxiety." Often this may occur when a person greatly fears making a bad decision which sometimes can backfire.

In other words, a person who is extremely neurotic or terribly anxious might make a worse decision than they would normally had they not been so anxious. This can be tied to fear of failure, fear of disappointing a loved one, and/or (ironically) fear of encountering danger.

For more information on panic attack symptoms and additional articles on dealing with anxiety and panic attacks please visit our website at

Overcoming Panic Attacks Naturally and Permanently by Using Hypnotherapy

One way of relieving yourself from stress and increase your confidence is through hypnosis. Through years, many sufferers have found the peace they're missing is undergoing hypnotherapy. Of course there is some effort in using hypnotic treatment for overcoming panic attacks. But the results are astonishing! Yes, as panic attacks are closely related to mind and body tensions, hypnotherapy perfectly fits the square.

An advantage you gain by curing anxiety through hypnosis is that you never experience any side effects, and you erase your fears completely. There are many benefits you can reap through hypnotherapy, so let's dig a little deeper into the world of hypnosis.

By the ways there's absolutely no magic in it, and it's not someone standing over you waving a pocket watch making you sleepy. This is a way of giving suggestions to your sub conscious mind.

What exactly hypnotherapy mean?

To be simple, hypnotism operates on your mind to erase away bad impressions accumulated in it. Although no actual physical operation is done, it involves keeping you in a sort of a trance (similar to sleep) and talking to your mind directly, which can be done by a trained hypnotherapist.

You see your conscious or reasoning mind, is always in the way, critiquing anything and everything and when you have all these thoughts rushing in, like:

- "it won't work..."

- "I can't get rid of this..."

- "this fear is real..."

... or anything else along those lines, this is your conscious mind blocking your progress. But with effective hypnotherapy, you can bypass the conscious reasoning and embed powerful new commands into your subconscious mind, which become new beliefs that now govern how you act and feel, thus causing you to lose fear and stop panic attacks.

There are many myths regarding this way of healing, such as: the one who gives it takes you into a trance can have complete control of you, remain permanently under hypnotic sleep, and only those with weak mind can be hypnotized.

As told, these are just myths and a bunch of nonsense. After all, who is going to gain absolute control on you by just talking? It's not a magical power where they chant some spell and you fall off. As a matter of fact hypnosis ONLY works when the one being hypnotized allows is. If you sit there and say I'm not going to get hypnotized, you won't.

Therefore, taking help of hypnosis, you are just relaxing the mind to forget all your pressures and worries.

How can hypnotherapy help me with anxiety attacks?

Good question! From where do these panic attacks you experience start? Easy enough, right from your mind or brain. Thus by using hypnotherapy, you can erase those fears that haunt you permanently. This type of treatment will reduce the risk of side effects given by taking medications, and treating by just relaxing the mind. It will also clear stress, anger and fear. Deep breathing and relaxation helps a lot and is practiced widely in Eastern cultures.

The reason this is so effective is because all the fears and worries you experience are stored deep in your subconscious mind, and the only way to get rid of them permanently is to reprogram your subconscious and replace them with empowering beliefs that create a positive calm attitude and confidence.

Hypnotherapy is an alternative for self help for curing anxiety attacks. It does not involve any drugs as already mentioned, as it's going by the natural way of curing any disease whether physical or physiological, and therefore is safe.

How to select the best hypnotherapist

The next thing to consider while you select hypnotherapy as a treatment for overcoming panic attacks is to select the right hypnotherapist. Utmost care should be taken while doing this, as seeking help of an unprofessional will be of no use. Hypnosis is just like getting medical aid, so go for the one whom you believe and have faith.

Having faith in the hypnotherapist is a very critical factor that decides how much you benefit from it.

Make sure you select a licensed hypno-practitioner. This ensures he or she is capable and experienced in his field.

By what we've discussed so far, we can conclude that hypnotherapy is a proven way of overcoming panic attacks. It can work for anyone and is a natural treatment. Start shaping your life and live happily as others do.

Start overcoming panic attacks today, with natural powerful tips and techniques on our blog.

Plus you can grab our free "Emergency Panic Remedies" report with proven anxiety cures at

Overcoming Panic Attacks Naturally and Permanently by Using Hypnotherapy

One way of relieving yourself from stress and increase your confidence is through hypnosis. Through years, many sufferers have found the peace they're missing is undergoing hypnotherapy. Of course there is some effort in using hypnotic treatment for overcoming panic attacks. But the results are astonishing! Yes, as panic attacks are closely related to mind and body tensions, hypnotherapy perfectly fits the square.

An advantage you gain by curing anxiety through hypnosis is that you never experience any side effects, and you erase your fears completely. There are many benefits you can reap through hypnotherapy, so let's dig a little deeper into the world of hypnosis.

By the ways there's absolutely no magic in it, and it's not someone standing over you waving a pocket watch making you sleepy. This is a way of giving suggestions to your sub conscious mind.

What exactly hypnotherapy mean?

To be simple, hypnotism operates on your mind to erase away bad impressions accumulated in it. Although no actual physical operation is done, it involves keeping you in a sort of a trance (similar to sleep) and talking to your mind directly, which can be done by a trained hypnotherapist.

You see your conscious or reasoning mind, is always in the way, critiquing anything and everything and when you have all these thoughts rushing in, like:

- "it won't work..."

- "I can't get rid of this..."

- "this fear is real..."

... or anything else along those lines, this is your conscious mind blocking your progress. But with effective hypnotherapy, you can bypass the conscious reasoning and embed powerful new commands into your subconscious mind, which become new beliefs that now govern how you act and feel, thus causing you to lose fear and stop panic attacks.

There are many myths regarding this way of healing, such as: the one who gives it takes you into a trance can have complete control of you, remain permanently under hypnotic sleep, and only those with weak mind can be hypnotized.

As told, these are just myths and a bunch of nonsense. After all, who is going to gain absolute control on you by just talking? It's not a magical power where they chant some spell and you fall off. As a matter of fact hypnosis ONLY works when the one being hypnotized allows is. If you sit there and say I'm not going to get hypnotized, you won't.

Therefore, taking help of hypnosis, you are just relaxing the mind to forget all your pressures and worries.

How can hypnotherapy help me with anxiety attacks?

Good question! From where do these panic attacks you experience start? Easy enough, right from your mind or brain. Thus by using hypnotherapy, you can erase those fears that haunt you permanently. This type of treatment will reduce the risk of side effects given by taking medications, and treating by just relaxing the mind. It will also clear stress, anger and fear. Deep breathing and relaxation helps a lot and is practiced widely in Eastern cultures.

The reason this is so effective is because all the fears and worries you experience are stored deep in your subconscious mind, and the only way to get rid of them permanently is to reprogram your subconscious and replace them with empowering beliefs that create a positive calm attitude and confidence.

Hypnotherapy is an alternative for self help for curing anxiety attacks. It does not involve any drugs as already mentioned, as it's going by the natural way of curing any disease whether physical or physiological, and therefore is safe.

How to select the best hypnotherapist

The next thing to consider while you select hypnotherapy as a treatment for overcoming panic attacks is to select the right hypnotherapist. Utmost care should be taken while doing this, as seeking help of an unprofessional will be of no use. Hypnosis is just like getting medical aid, so go for the one whom you believe and have faith.

Having faith in the hypnotherapist is a very critical factor that decides how much you benefit from it.

Make sure you select a licensed hypno-practitioner. This ensures he or she is capable and experienced in his field.

By what we've discussed so far, we can conclude that hypnotherapy is a proven way of overcoming panic attacks. It can work for anyone and is a natural treatment. Start shaping your life and live happily as others do.

Start overcoming panic attacks today, with natural powerful tips and techniques on our blog.

Plus you can grab our free "Emergency Panic Remedies" report with proven anxiety cures at

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to Overcome Panic Attacks With 15 Minutes of Work

Anyone who has already experienced going through a panic attack can tell you how distressing and horrifying such an episode could get. The slow and steady engulfment in fear while having a steady rise in heartbeat and feeling like you're about to die or lose your sanity at any moment is pure torture is experienced repeatedly. Aside from that, it can really be something traumatizing and can prevent you from living your normal life to say the least.

This is why if you're suffering from anxiety episodes, you must do your best in taking action how to overcome panic attacks. Since anxiety can strike at the most crucial hour (i.e. just before you speak in public, meet with important people, or do a big business pitch), you will have to learn how you can curb your anxiety before things get out of hand and so you can go back to living normally.

Some of the ways that you can try to do manage an episode within fifteen minutes or less are the following.

1. Breathe deeply. Breathing can help you calm down because of two things: one, it allows air to better circulate in your body, giving you a nicer feeling, and two, it gives you some time to fully take in the situation, helping you to ponder upon it better. This is why breathing deeply can help you during panic attacks because it can regulate your body functions and make you realize what it Is that's ticking you off, helping you deal with it more appropriately.

2. Turn your thoughts into something more positive. Anxiety is usually triggered by the worry of an impending event that seems to be threatening. So, to better handle such situations, try your best not to think about it and turn your thoughts into something else.

3. Focus on one thing at the moment. If you're getting anxious because of having to do a lot of things at once, stop and prioritize. Some things can wait, especially if it's causing you to get on your last nerves. So, if this is the case, make sure to drop the other things that occupy you and focus on a single thing. This will surely help you feel much better and get through the panic attack.

4. Laugh. Laughter is the best way how to overcome panic attacks. So, make sure to look at the bigger picture and see the humor in the events that are causing your anxiety and laugh at it. This will help tremendously in ending such episodes.

Learning how to overcome panic attacks can be very simple, as long as you're willing to adjust and see the other side of the picture. By keeping that in mind, you'll surely have an easier time dealing with your condition and may even get to fully get rid of it in no time.

Thinking of getting rid of your panic attacks fast? Now, you can. Get detailed solutions on how to overcome panic attacks now, which could be of help to treat your panic attacks problems fast? Be sure to visit and get your free 10-day mini-ecourse right now.

Eddy Wai KK - EzineArticles Expert Author


Stress is a response to a variety of psychophysical tasks emotional, cognitive or social perceived by the person as excessive.
The term stress was used for the first time in 1936 by Hans Selye who described him as "nonspecific response of the body to any request made to it." Depending on the model of Selye, stressful process consists of three phases:
1 - alarm phase: the subject indicates the excess of duties and mobilizes resources to fulfill them;
2 - phase resistance means the person, his condition stabilizes, and adapts to new content requests;
3 - phase of exhaustion at this stage there is the fall of defenses and the subsequent onset of physical symptoms, physiological and emotional.

The stressful life event stress leads to distinguish two categories: acute stress, occurs only once and in a short period of time, and chronic stress, ie when the stimulus is long-term. Chronic stress can be further divided into chronic intermittent stress and chronic stress proper. The first occur at regular intervals, are limited, and are therefore more or less predictable. The latter are represented by long-term situations that affect the existence of a person and become stressful when they are a constant obstacle to the pursuit of their goals. In addition to durability, it is also important to the nature of stressors. We can have benefits stressors, such eustress, giving vitality and tone the body and harmful stressors such distress that can lead to a lowering of immune defenses.
Stress can be caused by:
- Life events both pleasant and unpleasant (eg marriage, birth of a child, death of a loved one, divorce, retirement, sexual problems);
- Physical causes: the cold or intense heat, smoke and alcohol abuse, severe loss of mobility;
- Environmental factors: the lack of accommodation, noisy, polluted determinants of a certain state of stress;
- Organic disease: when the body is suffering from an illness, the entire body in an attempt to defend himself, is in a state of tension that, in most cases, the few defenses can make, results in a stress condition;
- Cataclysms.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Treatment for panic attacks

Psychotherapy is a discipline very uneven, and there are dozens of forms of individual psychotherapy, family, couple and group. In the treatment of panic disorder with or without agoraphobia and anxiety disorders in general, the form of psychotherapy that scientific research has shown to be more effective in the shortest time possible, is that "cognitive-behavior."

This is a short-term psychotherapy, usually twice a week, in which the patient plays an active role in solving your problem and, together with the therapist focuses on learning the ways of thinking and behavior more functional in order to break the vicious cycle of panic.
For panic and agoraphobia, a cure based on cognitive is highly recommended and grade.

The drug treatment of panic attacks and dell'agorafobia, as often advisable (at least as the only treatment), is based primarily on two classes of drugs: antidepressants and benzodiazepines, often used in combination. In mild forms the prescription of benzodiazepines alone may be sufficient. The molecules used are alprazolam, the etizolam, clonazepam, lorazepam. Such drugs, however, in case of panic attacks and agoraphobia, are likely to give highly addictive and maintain the disorder, especially if you do not make a parallel cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Antidepressants have been shown effective for panic and agoraphobia tricyclics - TCA - (clorimipramina eg, imipramine, desimipramina), mono amino oxidase inhibitors inhibitors (MAOIs) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors - SSRIs - (eg citalopram , escitalopram, paroxetine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline).

This class has, compared to previous, better handling and fewer side effects.
In cases of panic attacks and agoraphobia who do not respond to SSRIs, the TCA can be used, although many clinicians use these molecules as therapy of first use. MAOIs, although very effective drugs, are almost completely fallen into disuse for serious side effects that may occur if there is the association of certain molecules or failure to follow prescribed dietary restrictions.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Psychological Treatment of Panic Attacks

Current psychological interventions in psychology emotocognitiva for treatment of panic attacks are fairly short and with a high efficiency and especially without use of drugs, and without the side effects thereof.

Treatment is not directed at revealing hypothetical unconscious causes relegated in the past but to establish the processes that maintain the symptoms today and especially to understand what can be acute, or what thoughts, actions, their behavior and other underlying the maintenance of the disorder in here-and-now.

In this way the psychologist to address psychology emotocognitiva reorganizes resources psychophysiological organism to an effective treatment, and short, it should be emphasized, not the drug panic disorder.

The intervention in psychology emotocognitiva text is to break the loop that maintains the dysfunctional symptoms in psycho-social. The times for the remission of symptoms vary, but on average the problem better visibility in an average of ten sessions unless it is compounded by a situation of hyperthyroidism important.

The frequency of sessions is variable and only the first assessment are weekly. This is because the person must live in their own context and within the same symptoms resolve without becoming dependent on psychological treatment.

Psychologist to address psychology emotocognitiva down and contracted initially, after evaluation, the number of sessions required. In this way the psychologist and patient can monitor the effectiveness of treatment and stop if there are not results in the time stated.
Psychology emotocognitiva thus trying to prevent treatment to the bitter end when there is evidence of effectiveness. Are rare cases where there is no improvement and remission of major symptoms. In most cases the remission is complete.

Consult a professional psychologist expert can use the new approaches is a psychological need to avoid contact with professionals who still use old methods are not effective.